Category: Conditions

1 2 3 4 5 6 27 96 / 634 POSTS
Why We Use Ozone for Enhanced Healing in Dentistry

Why We Use Ozone for Enhanced Healing in Dentistry

Ozone is a triatomic molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms (O3). It has been successfully used in medicine for its microbiological properties—as a [...]
What Does Your Gut Have to Do with Improving Your Type 2 Diabetes?

What Does Your Gut Have to Do with Improving Your Type 2 Diabetes?

Sixty to seventy million Americans have some type of digestion issues (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, gas, IBS, IBO, acid reflux). Many people have gut [...]
Are You Suffering from More Memory Loss, Anxiety, Depression, or Mental Fog as You Age?

Are You Suffering from More Memory Loss, Anxiety, Depression, or Mental Fog as You Age?

Research has found that symptoms related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), T [...]
Expert Health Coaches Share Tips on Physical and Emotional Wellness

Expert Health Coaches Share Tips on Physical and Emotional Wellness

For centuries we have been taught the importance of physical health, while mental health has largely been dismissed and neglected. Finances can play a [...]
Glyco-What? The Macro-Impact of the Microvascular System

Glyco-What? The Macro-Impact of the Microvascular System

Ever heard of the glycocalyx? It comes as no surprise if your answer is “sort of”—or even a resounding “no.” But it’s critical to understand what it i [...]
Your Health Insurance Is Killing You!

Your Health Insurance Is Killing You!

Here in the western world, we’ve been groomed to expect health insurance to pay for ALL our necessary healthcare needs, and we’re immediately turned o [...]
Depression – Symptoms and Treatments for a Happier, Healthier YOU!

Depression – Symptoms and Treatments for a Happier, Healthier YOU!

In today’s very uncertain times, many of us feel as though we are out of sync with ourselves and others. What causes this type of emotion within us? [...]
What You Eat Affects Your Mental Health

What You Eat Affects Your Mental Health

September is National Suicide Awareness Month, but every month should have a focus on mental health, which is more prevalent than you may realize. Acc [...]
Aromatherapy – Centuries – Old Solutions for Modern Mental Health

Aromatherapy – Centuries – Old Solutions for Modern Mental Health

As more attention has been given to our need to address our mental health, the world has risen to the challenge with unprecedented pressure. Could it [...]
The Ultimate Spine Care and Spinal Decompression Program

The Ultimate Spine Care and Spinal Decompression Program

Spine pain is extremely prevalent in the United States. Low back pain is the number-one pain-related diagnosis in our country, and it’s the number-one [...]
Type 2 Diabetes – A Disease, or Part of a Larger Issue?

Type 2 Diabetes – A Disease, or Part of a Larger Issue?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose is too hi [...]
The Epidemic of Mental Health Maladies

The Epidemic of Mental Health Maladies

Are mental health and psychological problems on the rise? Having been in practice for 44 years and evaluating and treating over 15,000 patients, I wou [...]
A Better Way to Treat Pickleball Elbow

A Better Way to Treat Pickleball Elbow

Tennis elbow, as it’s commonly called, is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in the elbow are overloaded. This happens due to repetitive [...]
The End of Osteoporosis, Thanks to My Mom

The End of Osteoporosis, Thanks to My Mom

Have you ever thought that the love for a mother could help diminish the physical pain of millions of people? This is a question frequently asked of D [...]
Is Your Mind Missing This Important Mineral?

Is Your Mind Missing This Important Mineral?

Magnesium is an essential micronutrient that plays a role in mental health and mood. It helps with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other conditions. [...]
Is Your Meal Plan Causing Fatigue & Stress?

Is Your Meal Plan Causing Fatigue & Stress?

Are You... Tired three or more days per week throughout the day? Frustrated by abdominal fat? Gaining weight despite your best efforts in diet [...]
Health Coaching: A Transformative Approach to Healthcare

Health Coaching: A Transformative Approach to Healthcare

If you’ve lost track of the promises you’ve broken to yourself, a professional health coach could help guide and support you toward feeling like yours [...]
Reduce Your Stress, Reduce Your Weight

Reduce Your Stress, Reduce Your Weight

Most of the time, we love our busy, connected lives filled with multitasking and instant gratification. The downside, though, is that an unfortunately [...]
Pain: Is It Always Part of Getting Older?

Pain: Is It Always Part of Getting Older?

We’ve been taught to believe that aches and pains are a part of getting older. But what if I told you the two are not inextricably linked? The latest [...]
The Ultimate Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Program

The Ultimate Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Program

Peripheral neuropathy is a complex condition. Finding the root cause, the extent of the damage, and to what types of nerves or blood vessels the damag [...]
What Happens in Your Mouth Doesn’t Stay in Your Mouth

What Happens in Your Mouth Doesn’t Stay in Your Mouth

Yes, every cell in your body will eventually find out about what you put in your mouth. Let’s talk microbiome. The oral cavity houses over 700 species [...]
The Best Diabetes Diet

The Best Diabetes Diet

It’s very common to tell a diabetic patient to go on a diet. But what diet is best? Diets are not one-size-fits-all – not every person should be on th [...]
Is Robotic Muscular Therapy the Way to Ease Your Chronic Pain?

Is Robotic Muscular Therapy the Way to Ease Your Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain can feel overwhelming. We may think it’s out of our control, as though there is no solution. But often, chronic pain can be a result of m [...]
Forget the Munchies – CBD Can Be Used for Weight Loss!

Forget the Munchies – CBD Can Be Used for Weight Loss!

The use of medicinal cannabis products across the U.S. continues to grow as more research is being done on marijuana and its active components, includ [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 27 96 / 634 POSTS