Category: Vitamins & Supplements
Repair Damaged Soft Tissues with Topical Herbs
Tendons attach muscles to bones while ligaments hold bones and tendons in place. Fascia guides muscle groups and allows them to slide over other struc [...]
The 5 Points of Wellness That Are Essential for Longevity and Optimal Health
Born in Sri Lanka, I grew up in a family that considered natural medicine a way of life.
Whenever I had a test in school my grandmother would make [...]
The Natural Path To Reduce Stress & Anxiety
"Most people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the level of severity, they can detrimentally impact one’s quali [...]
A Natural Path to Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails
"New research explores the relationship of what’s known as the “gut-skin axis”, and how food, gut infections, and conditions such as leaky gut can imp [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 2)
[S]ome of the best weapons you can give your Warrior Goddess to help her successfully fend off breast cancer are very tiny. . . . Only small amounts o [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 1)
Not counting some kinds of skin cancer, breast cancer in the United States is: The most common cancer in women, no matter your race or ethnicity. The [...]
Food-Confused?. . .Choose Minimally Processed for Optimal Wellness
"...the most meaningful label on your food . . . is the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) organic seal. For a product to be certified organic, i [...]
Natural Treatment For Menopause
“Rather than use estrogens to artificially counteract the symptoms of
menopause, the natural approach focuses on improving physiology through diet, [...]
Mega Boost Your Health with IV Vitamin Therapy
Intravenous (IV) therapy, also known as “Myer’s Cocktails,” has been used for decades, but for many of us, we need to go back to the basics and unders [...]
Beware of Belly Fat: Reducing It Naturally
Each year obesity-related conditions cost over $100 billion and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the United States, making a very strong [...]
Sleep Loss Has Profound Effects on Health
After decades of research, the case can be confidently made that sleep loss and sleep disorders have profound and widespread effects on human health.
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 2)
Whole-body inflammation refers to chronic, imperceptible, low-level inflammation. . . .[O]ver time this kind of inflammation sets the foundation for m [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 1)
In the classic response to injury or infection, the injured area becomes red, swollen, hot, and painful. But, there is another type of inflammation t [...]
Navigating the Nutritional Supplement Industry
Nutritional supplements remain one of the most popular integrative medicine treatment modalities used throughout the United States. Adult cancer survi [...]
Should I Take Nutritional Supplements?
There is no absolute answer to whether or not supplementation is necessary, as it depends on the relative case. To err on the side of caution…no it is [...]
Boosting the Immune System with Natural Remedies (Part 1)
Low immune function refers to an underactive and poor performing immune system. The immune system’s prime function is to protect the body against infe [...]
Natural Ways to Address Aching Joints & Arthritis
People used to believe that osteoporosis and osteoarthritis were the result of aging and reduced intake of calcium and
milk products. Science has no [...]
Natural Relief from Constipation
Contrary to popular wisdom, frequency of bowel movements is not a criterion for diagnosing constipation because of the wide range of variability among [...]
Urinary Tract Infections: A Potentially Recurring Problem for Women & Men
Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body,
accounting for about 8.1 million visits to health care providers [...]

Natural Relief from Gout
Scientists estimate that 6 million adults age 20 and older report having had gout at some time in their lives.
. . [It] may be difficult for doctor [...]

Does Your Brain Need a Detox from Overstimulation?
Do you ever forget why you went downstairs? Or have gone into a room and left because you could not remember why you went in? Do you say, “It’s just o [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2
Curcumin has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activi [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1
Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus
has a pote [...]

The Yin and Yang of Autumn
As the humid days of summer give way to the brittle, dry air of fall, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners begin to turn their attention to the [...]