Category: Weight Loss
Semaglutides Are Not the Answer: Natural Alternatives to Simpler Weight Loss
Every January, I am flooded with prospective new patients seeking help to reach their New Year’s weight loss goals. In general, my January weight-loss [...]
Are My Hormones Preventing Fat Loss?
Hormones... blame the hormones. As we age, our bodies change, our mind changes, our muscles change, our physique changes, our drive changes, our fat m [...]
Forget the Calories, the “Weight Debate” – It’s All About Your Hormones
Thinning hair? Weight gain? Fatigue, bloating....and what happened to my skin? And now, belly fat? Why am I so irritable, anxious, and can’t sleep thr [...]
Reduce Your Stress, Reduce Your Weight
Most of the time, we love our busy, connected lives filled with multitasking and instant gratification. The downside, though, is that an unfortunately [...]
Forget the Munchies – CBD Can Be Used for Weight Loss!
The use of medicinal cannabis products across the U.S. continues to grow as more research is being done on marijuana and its active components, includ [...]
Our Gut Is Our Second Brain
Our intestinal lining can make or break us. If we have strong intestinal lining, we are keeping food particles in the intestinal tract that then get a [...]
Mental Wellness: How Staying Healthy Starts with Mindset
When making a habit change, you must first make the decision to commit to this change. This commitment to changing your habits starts with your mindse [...]
Stop Starving Yourself to Lose Weight
Do any of these statements sound like something you’ve heard before?
“You just need to cut your carbs!”
“Try the (enter fad diet here)!”
“Do more [...]
6 Tips to Lose Weight, Once and For All
Tired of gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over again? Dismayed by the rolls around your middle? Want to know the secret of maintaining a [...]
Avoid These 3 Major Weight Loss Mistakes
Ninety-five percent of diets fail. Most people that lose weight gain it back plus more. This fact is extremely discouraging, but I am here to tell you [...]
Quarantine 15: Have You Gained an Extra 15 Lbs?
Since you may have been spending more time at home, it is easier to gain unwanted weight due to:
Not Being as Active
Out of your usual fitness [...]
Beyond Calories and Carbs: A Broader Approach to Weight Loss
Now that summer is in full swing, it's hard to go too long without hearing a conversation about the next best diet. If you're like most patients, cho [...]
Fat Chance: An Evening of Conversation and Story with Lisa Lampanelli at Ridgefield Playhouse
With a career that spanned more than 30 years, Lisa Lampanelli was a constant on the comedy scene. With numerous tours, Grammy nominations, and nation [...]
5 Strategies For Losing Weight and Being Financially Fit
This year is your year. Now is your opportunity to acknowledge how satisfied you are with your personal finances and take yourself to the next level [...]
Having Trouble Shedding Those Stubborn Pounds?
This year, you resolve to lose weight. You eliminate the junk food and hidden sugars from your diet. You start reading food labels. You switch to an a [...]
Is Inflammation Causing You to Gain Weight?
Inflammation is a major component of life that helps us deal with things such as infections, injuries, or allergies. In all instances, our body is try [...]
10 Step Ayurvedic Approach to Body Weight Management
Are you ready for a holistic approach to weight management that takes into account your unique constitution, imbalances, habits, mindset, and lifestyl [...]
What Really Works to Lose Weight?
You've probably tried to get rid of those extra pounds a couple of times. It turns out that shedding that extra weight is now more complicated than ev [...]
Can you Lose Weight with Keto?
“Keto” or the Ketogenic Diet is #trending. More than half of the bestsellers in the diet book category are pro-Keto for its benefits with weight loss, [...]
A Leaner, Happier and Healthier Holiday Season
No matter how much our culture changes, year after year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions never seems to change. If you guessed losing weight and [...]
Struggling with Weight Loss Resistance?
One of the most common patient concerns voiced in the office is, “I want to lose weight.” Most patients have already tried a combination of various me [...]
Living the LEAN Life
Being physically active most of my life has been a great advantage for me and I know it. But after having kids, relying on exercise alone wasn’t as pr [...]
Hypnosis: Discover the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss
It’s that most wonderful time of year again. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the temperature of the air is cool and crisp. The dark evening [...]
Weight Loss – Is There A Magic Bullet?
Some Disturbing Facts:
More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese.
Mor [...]