Category: Emotional Well-being
When Post Vacation Blues are a Wake Up Call
Vacations are meant to provide respite for our physical, mental and spiritual bodies after what can be endless hours, days, weeks and months of brutal [...]
Being Mindful in Every Day Life
The term mindfulness has been part of the spiritual conversation for thousands of years through Buddhism, Hinduism, and even in the Muslim/Christian a [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]
Being a Mindful Man in a Crazy World
Every day in my practice I speak to patients about the significant role that stress plays in our lives. We discuss the tendency toward an overactive [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]
Skip Being the Good Mom and Get Naughty
I spent years trying to be the Good Mom. One year I grew Roma tomatoes in clay pots that I hand painted with the kids handprints. I blanched, peeled [...]
The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness for Stressed Out Mom’s
Motherhood. Wow! Children add a new dimension to our lives. Our lives are full. We have unending to do lists. We multitask well. Adding meditation pr [...]
Trouble Getting Pregnant Again? Using Mind-Body Techniques for Secondary Infertility
Couples look forward to growing their families and can be in for a shock when baby No. 2 is not so easy to conceive, especially when they had no troub [...]

Making Moments Count: How to Recognize and Claim Your Life Purpose
After I graduated from medical school, I began my training to become a physician. I had always wanted to help others, and I believed this was the way [...]
Still Single? Don’t Be the Elf on the Shelf!
Do you have children? If you do, then you know about the elf on the shelf. This charming new tradition has momma move the elf around every night while [...]

Healthy Holiday Eating, Sticking To Your Goals
Most people overestimate the amount of weight gained during the holidays. According to The New York Times, the average weight gain for a U.S. adult be [...]

Why Music Therapy Makes Sense
When even our own vocal chords and bodies can become instruments, music is an almost universal experience to man that communicates and touches a deepe [...]

The Gift That Keeps On Giving
It’s that time of year when many of us start making our list of who’s been naughty and nice. Then we wrack our brains as to what to get them for the h [...]

Is It Possible to Find the Joy Again?
Reading or hearing about the side effects of prescription medication for depression is enough to make anyone depressed and anxious! And then [...]

How to Cure the Busy Lifestyle Syndrome (BLS)
So what is BLS? Sounds more like bullshit but unfortunately it is not. It’s the real deal and all of us suffer from it, well maybe not all of us, but [...]

The Yin and Yang of Autumn
As the humid days of summer give way to the brittle, dry air of fall, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners begin to turn their attention to the [...]

Divorce as a Death and Initiation: A Guide to the Five Stages of Divorce
In 1969, Swiss Psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross created the five stages of grief from her work dealing with terminally ill patients. Her groundbrea [...]

The Most Valuable Equipment: The Mindset
By Ben Powers, ACC
Ever wish you could take your golf game to the next level? Imagine how much more fun you’d have and how proud you’d be if you co [...]

Luxury. For Your Soul.
Are you ready to change the way you think, create a stress-free, happy, healthy lifestyle, and live a life you love? Do you want to let go of your pas [...]

Transition and Crisis as an Initiation
If you are going through a transition or crisis consider this. As unsettled, chaotic, and perhaps even as hopeless as things are right now there may b [...]

What is Love?
What is love? Love is not an emotion it is the state of your being. -His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
We are [...]

Self-Love, A Touchstone To Rock A Life You Love
I don’t care who you talk to or who you ask, if it’s a ‘she’, there’s a chasm between who she sees herself as and who she wants to see herself as. We, [...]

Strong Like A River
River paddling is a full-body workout with a mighty partner. You can go down to a river purely for peace of mind if you like. Fish, drift on a raft li [...]

Transition and Crisis as an Initiation
By Lawrence Ford
If you are going through a transition or crisis consider this. As unsettled, chaotic, and perhaps even as hopeless as things are r [...]