Category: Beauty
Who Started the Revolution?
Call it the shot heard round the world—only this time, the revolution is on behalf of modern women. The O-Shot® (or Orgasm Shot®) is a new, noninvasiv [...]
Did You Say a “Vampire” Facelift?
Are you seeing signs of aging in your skin? Cosmetic surgery can remove excess skin and make you appear younger, but a surgical facelift may be more e [...]
Experience Luxury and Pampering at Praha Spa and Salt
Praha Spa and Salt, owned by Oksana Acosta, is the most upscale and luxurious spa in all of Naples. The new design and aesthetics of the treatment roo [...]
Softer Skin Than You’ve Had in Years
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Mindy DiPietro, at Aesthetic Treatment Centers in Naples to talk about the hottest new trends in skincare! Mi [...]
Radio Frequency: A Non-Surgical Alternative to Skin Tightening
Losing elasticity and seeing some laxity in your skin? You aren’t alone. In our lower to mid 30’s the quantity and quality of collagen production in o [...]
Microneedling: The Natural Alternative for Anti-Aging Skincare
Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. This treatment may help those looking to [...]
The Sun: Your Most Beautiful Adversary?
Ah yes, here comes the sun. So warm, so beautiful, so life giving.
How can such a beautiful, blazing star cause so much damage?
Let’s look at the fa [...]
Stop Skin Suicide
I’ve come to realize through conversations with clients that looking in the mirror can strike fear and embarrassment for some individuals. Most of us [...]
Local & Natural Bath Products for the Holidays at Farm to Bath
Farm to Bath started with our daughter, Katie, who has severe cerebral palsy and is highly sensitive to chemicals in cleaning products. I used to buy [...]
The Sun: Your Most Beautiful Adversary?
Ah yes, here comes the sun. So warm, so beautiful, so life giving.
How can such a beautiful, blazing star cause so much damage?
Let’s look at the fac [...]
Softer Skin Than You’ve Had in Years
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Spa Director - Clinical Aesthetician, Laura Duffany, at The Spa at Litchfield Hills to talk about the hottest [...]
Does Your Skin Resemble a Plum Or a Prune?
You’re asleep; and you’re having a nightmare. You walk to your bathroom mirror; you look up and you see your face 25 years older than it really is. I [...]
Why Are All Skin Creams White?
If you think about it, most if not all skin creams are white. Ever wonder why? You see, base creams are used to initially make it feel like you are a [...]
Dermaplaning: The Hottest New Skincare Treatment
One of the trendiest exfoliation options today is dermaplaning, which is performed using a sterile surgical scalpel (not as scary as it sounds!) to ma [...]
Glowing Skin au Naturel
We all strive for that dewy, soft, glowing skin that reminds us of youth and vitality. Yet our skin is often dry, blemished and dull. Our skin tone, c [...]
Rejuvenate Aging Skin…Safe and Naturally
Look no further than the nonsurgical face lift which uses microcurrent technology. Supported by over 30 years of research, microcurrent produces elect [...]
Tired of Cellulite? Experience a Safe, Natural Way to Eliminate It!
You’re probably thinking…”this sounds way too good to be true.” And over the years, you’ve probably seen and tried many “miracle” cures for cellulite, [...]
Skin Refresher “101”
Taking care of your skin is so important – and so easy!, Once you start, it quickly becomes a daily routine, just like brushing your teeth. However, s [...]
Anew You Skincare & Wellness Celebrates 10 Years!
This business spotlight is our first in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had [...]
Rejuvenate Post Summer Skin with a Peel
Post summer is an ideal time for a peel treatment. It will immediately improve your skin in so many ways from lightening sun damage to cleaning out cl [...]
Rejuvenate Aging Skin…Safe and Naturally
Look no further than the nonsurgical face lift which uses microcurrent technology. Supported by over 30 years of research, microcurrent produces elect [...]
Swimsuit Season is Almost Here…Eliminate that Cellulite for Good!
You’re probably thinking … "seriously…this sounds way too good to be true." And over the years, you’ve probably seen and tried many “miracle” cures fo [...]

Holistic Treatment of Acne
It’s that time of year again! We can start “stripping away the layers” and look forward to going outside without bundling up first. It is the season f [...]
Five Ways to Get Your Skin Ready for Winter
There's nothing more harsh on our skin than cold, dry conditions. Anyone who lives in a climate where winters are harsh knows that cold winter air can [...]