Category: Women's Health
Hydrogen Water: A Powerful Natural Antioxidant
Free radicals – you’ve heard about them, but what are they really and how do we fight them? In a nutshell – free radicals are inflammation-causing mol [...]
Safe Hormone Replacement Therapy
Synthetic pharmaceuticals prescribed as “hormone replacement” therapy are among the most widely prescribed medications in this country. They are most [...]
The Importance of Health Advocacy
I haven’t been feeling well since last Fall. I was under a lot of stress in September so I thought it was just remnants of that, but as time went on [...]
Beware of Belly Fat: Reducing It Naturally
Each year obesity-related conditions cost over $100 billion and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the United States, making a very strong [...]
A Leaner, Happier and Healthier Holiday Season
No matter how much our culture changes, year after year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions never seems to change. If you guessed losing weight and [...]
Estrogen: Friend or Foe? What You Need to Know
Hormones, hormones, hormones! What is a woman to do? Is estrogen my friend or my foe? And what can I do to balance my hormones so that estrogen remain [...]
The Webster Technique for a Healthy Pregnancy
For many women, pregnancy can be a very uncomfortable experience. Early on, it may begin with morning sickness, mood swings, and food cravings. Thi [...]
From PMS to Menopause…Try Acupuncture!
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are safe and effective modalities to restore and maximize women’s health. Acupuncture can b [...]
Stand Up Straight!! Your Body Posture is Giving You Clues
Do you remember when your mom used to tell you to correct your posture? To sit up straight? To stand tall? Now, how is your posture? Your walk? When y [...]
Dr. Lauren Young, owner of CT Natural Health Specialists
This business spotlight is our 4th in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had th [...]
The In’s and Out’s of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical hormone therapy refers to hormone replacement with hormonal substances that are, on a molecular level, identical to what our own bodies m [...]
What Is Happening With My Hormones?
In my many years in private practice as a board-certified Ob/Gyn, I had many appointments with women who complained to me that they felt that their “h [...]
Choose a Healthcare Team that Addresses Wellness
Every day we make choices that affect our health and wellness. When we wake up we choose what thoughts we want to empower that color our mood for the [...]
Tools To Take Charge of Your Health
Have you ever felt like you need a “tune-up?” Health and body need a re-boot? Are you feeling less than your best? Chalking it up to working too hard [...]
Keeping Your Bones Healthy for Life
The current approach to osteoporosis illustrates two of the biggest problems in medicine today.
Drug Therapy
First is the myth that only drug the [...]
Why Am I So Sensitive to Chemicals?
As a young child, I remember being allowed by my parents to run ahead through the department store’s perfume section as long as I waited on the other [...]
The O-Shot: The Next Generation in Natural Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are becoming a popular option for giving a naturally based, biological boost to the healing process. Platelet ce [...]
Breast Cancer: The Integrative Connection
That scary word that any woman would fear to hear: Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a serious condition striking 1 in 8 women. There will be an estimat [...]
Women’s Health: A Matter of the Heart
There is an old saying: “We don’t know what we don’t know.” This phrase may be far more true than people know. Medicine today has descended into a wo [...]
Can Your Genetics Cause Estrogen Dominance?
Many women struggle with estrogen dominance issues and may not even realize it. Symptoms are diverse and include premenstrual syndrome (PMS), mood swi [...]
Skip Being the Good Mom and Get Naughty
I spent years trying to be the Good Mom. One year I grew Roma tomatoes in clay pots that I hand painted with the kids handprints. I blanched, peeled [...]
The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness for Stressed Out Mom’s
Motherhood. Wow! Children add a new dimension to our lives. Our lives are full. We have unending to do lists. We multitask well. Adding meditation pr [...]
Trouble Getting Pregnant Again? Using Mind-Body Techniques for Secondary Infertility
Couples look forward to growing their families and can be in for a shock when baby No. 2 is not so easy to conceive, especially when they had no troub [...]
Healthy Eating for Busy Moms
Imagine this scene—a day in the life of a busy mom… It’s the morning witching hour. You’ve got two kids (or more!) to corral. They’re moving ‘slowly’. [...]