Category: Women's Health

1 2 3 4 5 6 72 / 132 POSTS
Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

Why Do Women Find It Hard to Ask for Help?

I was recently asked this question, “Why do women find it hard to ask for help?” I want to qualify my answer by sharing that finding it hard to ask fo [...]
Relief from Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Symptoms

Relief from Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Symptoms

As a primal force in nature, scalar energy can interrupt the intermolecular bonds that serve to assemble and maintain pathogens, such as the herpes si [...]
Oxygen: The Greatest Nutrient

Oxygen: The Greatest Nutrient

We all know the effects of acute oxygen deprivation, but have you ever thought about the consequences of chronic low oxygen? It’s as important a facto [...]
Natural Treatments for Urinary Tract Infection

Natural Treatments for Urinary Tract Infection

Scalar light is a divine light that operates outside of the electromagnetic spectrum and thus the laws that govern scalar light differ considerably fr [...]
Treating Hormonal Imbalance with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Treating Hormonal Imbalance with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Hormonal imbalance can be successfully treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We will start the conversation with “liver sta [...]
Recharge the Energy in Your Body at the Cellular Level

Recharge the Energy in Your Body at the Cellular Level

In 1949, a Scalar researcher named Galen T. Hieronymus received patents in three countries for a scalar device that could detect and measure elements [...]
The 5 Points of Wellness That Are Essential for Longevity and Optimal Health

The 5 Points of Wellness That Are Essential for Longevity and Optimal Health

Born in Sri Lanka, I grew up in a family that considered natural medicine a way of life. Whenever I had a test in school my grandmother would make [...]
Age Like a Rotisserie Chicken: Slow, Juicy and Hot

Age Like a Rotisserie Chicken: Slow, Juicy and Hot

As people age they dry up - skin, eyes, mouth and private parts! Their bones become fragile and their brains shrink in their skulls. We’ve all seen it [...]
Decrease the Harmful Physical and Psychological Effects of Stress with Biofeedback

Decrease the Harmful Physical and Psychological Effects of Stress with Biofeedback

Biofeedback can be described as a class of therapies using mind-body techniques that involve visual, auditory or frequency feedback to bring balance a [...]
Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

I sat down with Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing in West Hartford, who has been studying and practicing functional medicin [...]
Break the Bad Habit Loop: You Can Do It!

Break the Bad Habit Loop: You Can Do It!

I’m sure you have heard people say, “I am on autopilot,” or “I could do it in my sleep.” Quite literally, once something becomes a habit we are automa [...]
Where Did My Libido Go?

Where Did My Libido Go?

Many of my patients, friends, colleagues and myself are among the 2 million women yearly who have entered menopause in the US since 2000. Besides deal [...]
6 Stellar Superfoods for You and Your Baby

6 Stellar Superfoods for You and Your Baby

Eating for two is not easy and there is a lot of pressure to get the right nutrition, especially when there is so much information out there about the [...]
Vaginal Rejuvenation Without Hormones or Surgery

Vaginal Rejuvenation Without Hormones or Surgery

The Center for Functional Medicine is excited to offer effective, safe and painless Vaginal Rejuvenation services. As internationally known Function [...]
Menstruation, the Moon and Empowerment through Choice

Menstruation, the Moon and Empowerment through Choice

Every 21-to 35 days women bleed for 2-7 days in order to biologically bear children in a grand sacrifice of their body to perpetuate the human race. W [...]
Postpartum Nutrition for Mom and Baby

Postpartum Nutrition for Mom and Baby

There is a lot of information out there about pregnancy and the required steps that a mom ought to take in order to have a healthy pregnancy, however, [...]
Women! Let’s Discuss Your Heart Health

Women! Let’s Discuss Your Heart Health

The CDC stated recently that women are at an all-time high for heart disease, cardiovascular disease or CVD, and that men were actually on par or lowe [...]
Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

Natural Treatment for Menstrual Migraines

According to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 60% of women suffering from migraines get menstrual migraines. Menstrual migraines can st [...]
Eileen Fisher’s Women Together: Life-Changing Experiences

Eileen Fisher’s Women Together: Life-Changing Experiences

Eileen Fisher, the clothing designer, is sharing something meaningful for the good of all women; a space for them to connect with each other either on [...]
The Many Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma

The Many Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma, also as known as PRP takes advantage of your body’s own healing mechanisms. Platelets are the cells in our circulation that have [...]
Reconnect with Nature, Reconnect with Yourself: A Whole-Health Journey in Africa

Reconnect with Nature, Reconnect with Yourself: A Whole-Health Journey in Africa

At times in life we lose track of the expansiveness of the universe. We sit in our cubicles hard at work, and we begin to feel that this is life: thes [...]
The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury:  The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach

The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury: The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach

Hey, quick question. Where was the rest of your body when your knee fell down the stairs or when your neck was in a car accident? Over thirty years [...]
Heal Anxiety by Facing Your Shadow

Heal Anxiety by Facing Your Shadow

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m a healer, and I have anxiety. That’s right. I didn’t really understand what anxiety was, nor did I rea [...]
How To Boost Your Bone Strength While Building A Better Body

How To Boost Your Bone Strength While Building A Better Body

Our bones continually develop throughout our youthful years, forming the foundation of our body for our adult lives. When we were children we had nagg [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 72 / 132 POSTS