Category: Food As Medicine
6 Stellar Superfoods for You and Your Baby
Eating for two is not easy and there is a lot of pressure to get the right nutrition, especially when there is so much information out there about the [...]
Nutrition: A Reliable Method to Manage Mental Illness
Each year, mental illness affects 43.8 million or 1 in 5 adults nationwide. A growing body of evidence suggests that poor nutrition contributes to thi [...]
The Emerging Field of Nutrition and Mental Health
From the time of the ancients until the 17th century everyone recognized the interconnectedness of the mind and body. The idea of viewing the mind an [...]
Allergies! Your Food IS Your Medicine
It’s spring...the trees are green, the grass is lush after a wet winter, and the flowers are blooming beautiful colors. With this being so, your aller [...]
Jessica Pizano, Owner of Fit to You, LLC
This business spotlight is our fifth in a series recognizing local holistic practitioners and businesses that are celebrating 10 years in 2017. I had [...]

Really LIVING with Food Allergies
Researchers estimate that over 15 million US citizens suffer from food allergies. The allergy can range in severity from mild examples of itchy mouth [...]

Chinese Medicine & Today’s Immune System Issues
More and more diseases have been found to be related to the immune system today. The term "immune system" has to be borrowed from Western medicine. A [...]

Does Your Brain Need a Detox from Overstimulation?
Do you ever forget why you went downstairs? Or have gone into a room and left because you could not remember why you went in? Do you say, “It’s just o [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2
Curcumin has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activi [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1
Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus
has a pote [...]

Maintaining Immune Health in our Children as they Return to School
The end of summer is always bittersweet… it’s been such a joy to watch our children run around carefree through the summer months… watching them get d [...]
The Gerson Therapy
The Gerson Therapy is a natural nutritional therapy that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet [...]
Age Defying Foods to Savor Now
Growing older is a desirable biological process (consider the alternative!), and our senior years should be a wonderful time of life with minimum stre [...]
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Current Research on the Role of Diet and Nutrition
The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the United States continues to skyrocket, and is currently estimated to be 1 in 88 American child [...]
4 Nutrition Myths: Busted!
We all know that eggs, especially the yolks, are bad for us. So is coconut, whether it be the oil, the milk or the flesh. Low fat foods are healthier, [...]
A Different Perspective on Food, Weight Loss, and Healing
This past October, I had a once in a lifetime experience. The Dalai Lama came to Danbury, CT, and I had a chance to be there. It was an amazing ex [...]

Can Your Lifestyle Be Causing Bone Loss?
Our bones have the job of providing a solid frame to support our organs, muscles and skin. Although we think of adult bones as being hard and unchangi [...]
Integrative Manual Therapy and Nutritional Wellness for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Is recovery from Autism possible? This is a common question in many parents’ minds today, along with: what will it take? Autism is a [...]
The Standard American Diet and Why it Makes us Fat – by Shoshana Levinson, MS., cDN.
The Standard American Diet that I’ll refer to as SAD, is one that has too many calories, too much sugar and refined carbohydrate, too little of the go [...]
Diet and Your Bones – By Desmond Ebanks, MD
As a doctor practicing integrative medicine, I find that education is as important to my patients as anything else I do. We focus on maintaining healt [...]
Spring Cleaning For the Body and Soul – By Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl. CH
As we awaken from the confinement of winter, we can imagine our ancestors also emerging from their hibernation. The snow is still persistent in shady [...]
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