Category: Emotional Well-being
Love Blooms in April
For thousands of years, spring and love have been linked. They just go together like peanut butter and jelly. Spring is a time for rebirth when the ea [...]
Practical Divine Wisdom From Robin Clare
Dear Robin: I have tried many diet and exercise plans to lose the 30 pounds that I have gained over the course of my adult life – but I just can’t se [...]
7 Ways a Business Coach Can Help You Avoid Costly Mistakes
Being a solo business owner and entrepreneur can sometimes feel lonely.
You may not have someone else you can ask questions to or bounce ideas off [...]
Practical Divine Wisdom From Robin Clare
Dear Robin: I am someone who has been on their spiritual path for decades. During these turbulent times in our country, I feel so helpless. I watch t [...]
Create Your Best Year Ever with Feng Shui
For centuries, the principles of Feng Shui have been practiced in the East. Feng Shui means “wind and water”. It is an understanding of how the moveme [...]
Is 2018 Your Year to Finally Find Love?
Do you dream of finding love? Someone to hug, kiss and snuggle with? How would life be different if you had a partner who has your back and makes you [...]
Practical Divine Wisdom From Robin Clare
Dear Robin: I have a wonderful job, a family that needs me, I contribute my time and resources to community and global concerns and YET, I feel like [...]
Finding the Courage to Grow
“Wholeness for humans depends on their ability to own their own shadow.”
~ Carl Jung
I have always been serious m [...]
Practical Divine Wisdom
Dear Robin: I am feeling so alone and scared these days. I go to work and then I sit home by myself staring at my phone or the TV. No one ever call [...]
Writing a New Script
A lot of us are on healing journeys. We are seekers striving for better health, life and wellness. It can sometimes take a lot of courage to step out [...]
Living on Purpose
Are you living in your purpose? Not your career or job, but your purpose. As a physician, I strongly believe that the path to purpose leads to good [...]
Breaking Bad Habits
Moving from summertime to the fall season brings with it more routine as we let go of longer days, eating outdoors, beach vacations and summer foods. [...]
Simple, Easy, Every Day Meditation
At the time meditation burst on the scene, I was in college trying to make sense of the 60’s. I didn’t understand what meditation was, but the Beatle [...]
Meditation, Mindfulness and Yoga for Kids
Educators and parents alike are taking notice of the stress that surrounds our children on a daily basis. The stressors and demands of modern American [...]
Why We All Need The Feminine and The Masculine
Women do not come from Venus, or Men from Mars. That common, alienated perspective makes us feel like aliens to each other! No wonder our most loving [...]
Choose Love, Not Fear
When things get stressful in relationships, it is not uncommon for there to be an outburst of anger. Someone gets angry and exhibits behavior that can [...]
8 Tools to Promote Healthy Balance in Your Life
This world we live in can be hectic, toxic, and downright overwhelming. Things seem to be moving faster and faster all the time, we’re expected to be [...]
Turbo-Charged Hypno-Coaching: Leveraging The Power of the Subconscious Mind
I can’t think of a single highly successful person who hasn’t benefitted from coaching. Every world-class athlete at the Olympic games had a coach. Hi [...]
You Can Have it All in Life
What does it mean to live our life with purpose and make conscious choices that will guide us towards health and happiness? For many of us, we wake up [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]
Treating Our Emotional Well-Being
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are often the root cause for symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, PMS, and even pain. While such defic [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]

A Message From Your Superconscious Mind
Most of you don’t know me, or even know that I exist for that matter and that’s OK. I know you and guide you whenever I can. I'm the one that pops th [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]