Category: Conditions

1 20 21 22 23 24 27 528 / 634 POSTS
Natural Remedies for Babies and Children: Where’s the user manual?

Natural Remedies for Babies and Children: Where’s the user manual?

Having a user manual sure would make raising kids easy, except that every individual is different. Therefore every healthcare decision may also be dif [...]
Ragweed: The Anguish of August

Ragweed: The Anguish of August

Ragweed grows along the country roads of Connecticut, flourishing in the August heat along with its companion goldenrod. Ragweed has that mess of redd [...]
Battling the Child Obesity Epidemic…Solved!

Battling the Child Obesity Epidemic…Solved!

I have two children. They are young and healthy. I am grateful everyday for their health, but what about the baggage that they carry with them...their [...]
How Do I Know if I Have Lyme Disease?

How Do I Know if I Have Lyme Disease?

Connecticut, the home of Lyme disease in the US, remains one of the most highly affected regions of tick-borne illnesses. The disease is caused by an [...]
Organic, Effective Skincare at the Spa and at Home

Organic, Effective Skincare at the Spa and at Home

Perhaps you have hard-to-deal with issues such as acne, wrinkles, Rosacea, or hormonal blemishes. Maybe you have aging skin, combination skin, or supe [...]
Training your Nervous System: A New Approach to Interval Training

Training your Nervous System: A New Approach to Interval Training

Everyone knows how important exercise is for health. For those who suffer from fatigue and chronic illnesses (autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue synd [...]
Natural Remedies for Bumps and Bruises and Knowing When to Call Your Doctor

Natural Remedies for Bumps and Bruises and Knowing When to Call Your Doctor

It’s finally summertime and the kids are outside biking, hiking, swimming, at the playground, and playing sports. With these activities can sometimes [...]
The Healing Benefits of Olive Oil

The Healing Benefits of Olive Oil

There are many different kinds of fats: saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated; and our body needs a mixture of healthy fatty acids in the d [...]
The Vitality of Movement

The Vitality of Movement

“I know I need to exercise more. It’s just so hard to find the time.” I hear this in my office every day - and I totally get it. So many of us are [...]
We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

Beginning at birth, we intuitively know about natural movement and begin to develop the musculature to propel us upward and outward into the world. We [...]
The Truth about Male Infertility

The Truth about Male Infertility

Advances in infertility medicine and treatment are bringing hope and success to infertility patients. And yet the biggest challenge to a couple’s fert [...]
Calling All Men…Take Your Game to the Next Level with Hypnosis

Calling All Men…Take Your Game to the Next Level with Hypnosis

The bulk of my clients are women, not because men don’t need the help, but because most men either don’t feel like they have time to schedule appointm [...]
Bug Bites, Tick Bites, and Bee Stings:  What Every Parent Should Know

Bug Bites, Tick Bites, and Bee Stings: What Every Parent Should Know

It’s that time of year again when the days are longer, weather is warmer, and the kids go outside to play. It’s also the same time of year that bugs, [...]
Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

Every day thousands of women are dealing with chronic pelvic pain. It can be debilitating and difficult to handle on a daily basis. Pelvic pain can [...]
Does All Disease Start in the Mouth?

Does All Disease Start in the Mouth?

There are certain bugs or bacteria in the mouth that are always associated with periodontal disease. To differentiate the ‘bugs’ in my patients' mouth [...]
Maintaining and Strengthening Relationships During Infertility Treatment

Maintaining and Strengthening Relationships During Infertility Treatment

As the saying goes, marriage takes work. In fact, all relationships are work, but in truth it is the external factors that test our most precious ties [...]
Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Pelvic Pain and Manual Therapy

Do you suffer from pelvic pain? Is it chronic or does it just present when you are performing certain activities, such as riding a bicycle or having s [...]
Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

Nurturing Your Relationship While Being a Working Mom

One of the most challenging jobs in the world is being a mom. Factor in being a working mom and that job just got a little harder. It’s easy to lose [...]
Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Creating a Conscious Relationship with Your Partner

Is there a formula for success in relationships? Have you ever wondered how some couples sustain healthy, happy, loving relationships while others se [...]
Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

Why Have I Lost Interest in Sex?

I sat down with Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing in West Hartford, who has been studying and practicing functional medicine fo [...]
Libido – Beyond Hormones

Libido – Beyond Hormones

Sexual health is often overlooked in medical settings. While many doctors and patients realize the importance of discussing mental, physical, and emot [...]
Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

Do you Feel Like a Train Wreck?

When was the last time you went out with your friends or your partner to do something fun? Did the experience cause you any pain? Were you feeling the [...]
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – The Critical Full-Body Protector

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – The Critical Full-Body Protector

If you're older, your body becomes more and more challenged to convert the oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol . . . Further, as you get older your body l [...]
Is Stress Due To Your Mindset?

Is Stress Due To Your Mindset?

I don’t know about you, but at least once a day I hear someone—and yes, some days that someone is me—say “I’m so stressed out!” or “I can’t handle thi [...]
1 20 21 22 23 24 27 528 / 634 POSTS