Category: Conditions
The Empath’s Survival Guide
Being an empath is the new normal. The “Empath’s Survival Guide” is a perfect guide book. Now people will know how to cope with being highly sensitive [...]
Impact of Childhood Trauma and Stressors in Fibromyalgia
Traumatic experiences and stressors in childhood have historically been overlooked as predisposing factors in the development of various chronic pain [...]
Spring Cleaning for Your Diet
Life brings us the message that we need to detoxify in many ways. Physically our body gives us wake up calls with low energy, achiness, bad skin and [...]
Saying Goodbye to Gluten: The Emotional Journey
I’ve just had a difficult discussion with a patient about a diagnosis of Celiac disease. For those unfamiliar with Celiac, it’s an autoimmune disorde [...]
Detox Every Day with Real Food
We don’t have to wait for a special day or season to do this, with the right lifestyle and food, it just happens. It can be simple, affordable and del [...]
The Body’s Brilliant Recycling Project
We hear a lot about “detox” but many of us don’t really stop to think about what that means in our body. Most often we hear about detox cleanses wher [...]
Lowering Your Cholesterol May Not Prevent Heart Disease
In the “old” days LDL was considered “bad” cholesterol . . . . HDL, on the other hand, was traditionally believed to be “good” cholesterol . . . The p [...]
Keeping Your Bones Healthy for Life
The current approach to osteoporosis illustrates two of the biggest problems in medicine today.
Drug Therapy
First is the myth that only drug the [...]
Why Am I So Sensitive to Chemicals?
As a young child, I remember being allowed by my parents to run ahead through the department store’s perfume section as long as I waited on the other [...]
It’s More Than Just a Knock on the Head
Concussions and head injuries are all over the news lately, especially now that football season is in full swing. They’ve even made their way to the s [...]
Struggling with Infertility: Try a Natural Approach
It is estimated that over 12% of reproductive age women struggle with infertility. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of [...]
Leveraging the Natural Power of the Mind to Conceive
The infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference, but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]
The O-Shot: The Next Generation in Natural Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are becoming a popular option for giving a naturally based, biological boost to the healing process. Platelet ce [...]
7 Steps for Healthy Conception with TCM
More than six million couples are diagnosed with infertility, and more than nine million are seeking treatment for infertility in the US each year. Th [...]
STRESS ADAPTATION: Understanding Our Body’s Response to Stress
Hans Selye, an endocrinologist from Vienna, Austria was one of the first to describe how stress affects the body. He even coined the term “stress” th [...]
Boosting the Immune System with Natural Remedies (Part 2)
Your immune system is made, not born. New research dispels the belief that the strength of the body’s defense system is genetically programmed . . . [...]
Is Anxiety the Cause of Your Insomnia?
It’s been a long, busy day. Meetings at work meant that you accomplished almost nothing else. Then, you arrived home and had to cook dinner, handle ch [...]
The Link Between Impaired Sleep and Metabolic Syndrome
Impaired sleep is a chief contributor to metabolic conditions such as obesity and diabetes. This holds true regardless of the type of sleep difficulti [...]
Farewell to Stress, Fear and Anxiety
Life can be absolutely wonderful but it can be extremely stressful as well. Today we live in a time of high speed technology, incessant pressure and c [...]
Can’t Lose Weight? The Catch 22 of Stress and Sleep
You’re doing everything right to lose weight and it still isn’t happening. You’re eating healthy, you’re taking supplements, you’re doing the right k [...]
5 Ways to Neutralize Your Stress
If this headline caught your eye it’s probably because you or someone you know is suffering from that dreaded word…STRESS!!! We’ve heard the word, we [...]
Boosting the Immune System with Natural Remedies (Part 1)
Low immune function refers to an underactive and poor performing immune system. The immune system’s prime function is to protect the body against infe [...]
Enjoying the Holidays Despite Food Sensitivities
When we think of the holidays it brings to mind the wonderful smells and tastes that go along with the festivities. Whether it is the aroma of turkey [...]
Unhealthy Gut Bacteria Can Cause Weight Gain
If you have been struggling to maintain or lose weight it may be because the bacteria living inside your gut are out of balance. What we eat affects o [...]