Author: ESS_Naples
Practical Divine Wisdom
Dear Robin: I am feeling so alone and scared these days. I go to work and then I sit home by myself staring at my phone or the TV. No one ever call [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 1)
In the classic response to injury or infection, the injured area becomes red, swollen, hot, and painful. But, there is another type of inflammation t [...]
Hypnosis for Successful Relapse Prevention
The addiction statistics in this country are STAGGERING and have gotten more so in recent years. It feels like we all know someone who is struggling, [...]
An Endurance Athlete’s Secret Weapon to Post-Race Recovery
Training for a marathon, ironman, or a long distance cycling event can be long and grueling. Many scheduled training sessions are scheduled over a cou [...]
Soil as a Gateway for Eliminating Toxins
Natural treatments for illness typically revolve around eliminating “the bad” (e.g. toxins) and boosting or amplifying “the good” (e.g. wellness). Sim [...]
Max Chef to Farm Celebrates 10 Years
Growing up a few minutes down the road from Rosedale Farms in Simsbury, I have long awaited the opportunity to attend a Max Chef to Farm dinner under [...]
Spicing Up Your Plate with Healthy Benefits
PHOTO CREDIT: Cheyney Barrieau for Eat IN Connecticut
There’s a whole new meaning to spicing up your meal in Connecticut. Whether you dine in Wes [...]
Writing a New Script
A lot of us are on healing journeys. We are seekers striving for better health, life and wellness. It can sometimes take a lot of courage to step out [...]
What Can Natural Medicine do for Cancer Treatment?
Cancer treatment is one of the most heavily researched fields in medicine. Scientists and researchers are constantly seeking better and novel treatmen [...]
Estrogen: Friend or Foe? What You Need to Know
Hormones, hormones, hormones! What is a woman to do? Is estrogen my friend or my foe? And what can I do to balance my hormones so that estrogen remain [...]
Natural Medicine for Effective Pain Relief
Pain is by far the most common medical condition people experience and the #1 reason for doctor visits. Pain can impact people in so many ways, be lon [...]
Living on Purpose
Are you living in your purpose? Not your career or job, but your purpose. As a physician, I strongly believe that the path to purpose leads to good [...]
Breaking Bad Habits
Moving from summertime to the fall season brings with it more routine as we let go of longer days, eating outdoors, beach vacations and summer foods. [...]
Is Your Soul Calling for Adventure?
Since the dawn of humanity, it seems we have had an intrinsic desire to explore that transcends necessity and survival. We, at our core, long to see w [...]
A Divine Approach to Fulfilling Your Destiny
One of the most common lessons we all learn on the spiritual journey is that we have lived many past lives and that we are here in this lifetime to he [...]
Is Hormone Imbalance Causing Infertility?
According to the CDC, one in eight couples have difficulty becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Difficulty conceiving can lead to feelings of [...]
You Don’t Have to Suffer with Daily Chronic Pain
When we are outside enjoying the pleasant weather, we are more vulnerable to strains and sprains from gardening and outdoor activities. Injuries may b [...]
Simple, Easy, Every Day Meditation
At the time meditation burst on the scene, I was in college trying to make sense of the 60’s. I didn’t understand what meditation was, but the Beatle [...]
The Webster Technique for a Healthy Pregnancy
For many women, pregnancy can be a very uncomfortable experience. Early on, it may begin with morning sickness, mood swings, and food cravings. Thi [...]
A Food Lover’s Dream in Trastevere
Trastevere…one of my most favorite places in Rome...from romantic winding alleyways and cobblestone streets to magestic churches and splendid piazzas, [...]
Meditation, Mindfulness and Yoga for Kids
Educators and parents alike are taking notice of the stress that surrounds our children on a daily basis. The stressors and demands of modern American [...]
A Naturopathic Approach to Pediatric Health
As summer wanes and the days begin to shorten, thoughts turn from beach trips and family vacations to classrooms and textbooks. For children, it’s th [...]
Nurturing Your Nature: The Benefits of Playing Outdoors
Adults frequently say, “Go play outside,” to their children without fully realizing the benefits that can come from outdoor play and getting dirty. Di [...]