Author: ESS_Naples
Becoming a Reiki Master
Reiki draws on universal energies and can be used for healing, psychic and spiritual development. It connects the Reiki Practitioner and person receiv [...]
The Power of Biomechanical Bodywork: A Different Kind of Massage
We all know that massage is medicine to the body. Massage is primarily prescribed for medical or stress-related issues and the goal is to loosen and l [...]
Cholesterol, Just the Fats!
By design, everything our body does has a purpose. So, why would it produce so much cholesterol if it were bad?
What is Cholesterol?
While many [...]
Vitamin Deficiency is More Common Than You Think
When I talk about micronutrients in my practice, not everyone knows what I’m referring to without a proper explanation. Micronutrients are nutritional [...]
Create Your Best Year Ever with Feng Shui
For centuries, the principles of Feng Shui have been practiced in the East. Feng Shui means “wind and water”. It is an understanding of how the moveme [...]
What Really Works to Lose Weight?
You've probably tried to get rid of those extra pounds a couple of times. It turns out that shedding that extra weight is now more complicated than ev [...]
3 Myths Busted About Type 2 Diabetes
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for diabetics? The biggest commonality with every diabetic or heart disease patient that [...]
Simple Meal Planning for the New Year
It’s that time again… January… the New Year… the holidays are over… Thank God because I couldn’t possibly eat another thing for the rest of the year! [...]
Reduce Your Risk of Infertility
There are a number of reasons that may be contributing to the difficulties experienced by a couple who cannot become pregnant. Whatever the cause, inf [...]
New Year’s Resolutions That Bring Lasting Change
There’s no better time to improve your life than at the birth of the new year. The new calendar is a fresh, clean slate and most of us feel energized [...]
Can you Lose Weight with Keto?
“Keto” or the Ketogenic Diet is #trending. More than half of the bestsellers in the diet book category are pro-Keto for its benefits with weight loss, [...]
Is 2018 Your Year to Finally Find Love?
Do you dream of finding love? Someone to hug, kiss and snuggle with? How would life be different if you had a partner who has your back and makes you [...]
Practical Divine Wisdom From Robin Clare
Dear Robin: I have a wonderful job, a family that needs me, I contribute my time and resources to community and global concerns and YET, I feel like [...]
Chronic Inflammation, Pain & Disease: Combating Them Naturally (Part 2)
Whole-body inflammation refers to chronic, imperceptible, low-level inflammation. . . .[O]ver time this kind of inflammation sets the foundation for m [...]
Grand Gesture for Health
Do you have a metabolic disorder? Do you have sugar handling problems? For many of us, we get stuck in the system—a traditional allopathic system, tha [...]
Low Carb Diet For Weight Loss?
“I just can’t lose weight!” This is the statement I hear from so many patients, but there is a solution. The low carbohydrate diet may be just the thi [...]
Mind-Body Medicines: An Essential Component For Health And Healing
Did you know the mind is among the most powerful tools you could utilize for healing and health? Mind-body Medicines (or MBMs) are among some of the m [...]
Eco-Travel: Can We Really ‘Green’ Travel?
It seems everywhere you look these days the terms ‘Green’ and ‘Eco-Friendly’ are thrown around so loosely it’s hard to determine what, if any, positiv [...]
End the Nightmare of Insomnia
Are your eyes bleary as you read this? Did you just stifle a yawn? If so, you’re not alone because over 30 million adults and over two million childr [...]
A Leaner, Happier and Healthier Holiday Season
No matter how much our culture changes, year after year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions never seems to change. If you guessed losing weight and [...]
Breaking the Stress-Sleepy Cycle
Stress and sleep, or lack thereof, can have significant pathological and clinical implications. Stress and sleep are cyclically related to one another [...]
The Secret for Living Disease and Stress Free
In today’s society, it is normal for older citizens to shows signs of multiple chronic diseases and a lower standard of living due to health problems [...]
Finding the Courage to Grow
“Wholeness for humans depends on their ability to own their own shadow.”
~ Carl Jung
I have always been serious m [...]
How to Prevent Colds and Flu Naturally!
Cold and Flu season is now commercially defined as the period from October until May, with the peak in cold and flu activity between December and Febr [...]