
Saving Your Brain from Anxiety and ADHD

Saving Your Brain from Anxiety and ADHD

Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges
ADHD-Nutritional Strategies for School Success
Natural Treatments for ADHD…Just What the Doctor Ordered

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) impacts 1 in 10 children now in the United States according to the CDC. It is the most prevalent mental disorder in children and the number one reason a child will be medicated. There has been a 2000% increase in medication prescribed over the last two decades. Unfortunately, medication has a very short-term benefit for some. In the long run, research shows that medication may do more harm than good. ADHD was once thought to be a chemical imbalance in the brain and these imbalances were permanent. However, recent research clearly demonstrates that there are asymmetrical differences between the left and right hemispheres in the brain. The vast majority of ADHD individuals have a right hemispheric weakness. More importantly, these weaknesses can be strengthened by specific sensory input using technologies such as neurofeedback, Interactive Metronome, and Neurosage.

Types of ADHD
There are 3 types of ADHD. Type 1 Inattentive (classic ADD), Type II Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Type III Combined, the most common. Most of us think ADHD is a problem that affects children only, but the reality is that the child does not grow out of this condition when they reach adulthood. Sometimes the person is able to compensate in some way but many continue to have similar symptoms as they did as a child. Even if the individual is able to become somewhat successful in life, the brain imbalance will often manifest as anxiety. The good news is that ADHD and anxiety can be effectively treated without medications and more often than not can be permanently resolved.

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety or anxiousness is the most common mental illness in today’s world. Over 40 million Americans have been diagnosed with some anxiety disorder. According to recent news reports, there has been a 33% increase in anxiety since COVID-19. Many people are prescribed a SSI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor) type medication but still have symptoms. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that creates a calming effect on the brain and nervous system. The medication works by inhibiting the body’s natural process of breaking down serotonin. There are several natural substances that help the body produce more serotonin on its own. Also, neurofeedback and audio-visual training devices have positive influences on creating more serotonin. Most people are unaware that our gut, not our brain, produces 95 % of serotonin. An imbalanced gut negatively impacts brain health. Therefore, addressing gut health is critical for most people with chronic anxiousness. Improving gut health can help improve mental health.

Brain Imbalances
Most people are unaware that certain brain wave patterns demonstrated by QEEG/Brainmapping clearly demonstrate brain imbalances associated with ADHD and anxiety symptoms. Some of the more common brain imbalances for ADHD are excess delta, excess theta, and low beta wave activity. The more common brain wave imbalances for anxiousness are excess theta and low alpha brain wave activity as well as low beta in the left hemisphere and low alpha in the right hemisphere. Low beta wave activity in the left hemisphere and low alpha brain wave activity in the right hemisphere are called overarousal and inhibited respectively.

I have a 13-slide power point on www.savingyourbrain.com that shows pictures of what these abnormal brain patterns look like. The good news is that these brainwave patterns can change for the better and the symptoms of ADHD and anxiety can go away! These two conditions often occur simultaneously and both are epidemics in our society today.

Please take the ADHD and Anxiety questionnaire on page 35. If you have some of these symptoms you can be helped. Fill out the questionnaire and call 813.985.5190 and make an appointment for a consultation and evaluation at our Naples office to see how we might help you.

Dr. Kelly Miller founded Health Restoration in 2013 based on his belief that a natural, synergistic approach to health care is the optimum approach to addressing the health issues people face on a daily basis. Dr. Miller’s clinical practice covers over forty years, treating over fifteen thousand patients. Dr. Miller is an international lecturer on the genetic, nutritional, and hormonal considerations related to heart health. He is the author of seven health-related books. Dr. Miller is also a co-author with Bruce Lipton in the Amazon Best Seller, Wake Up the Happy Brain. Dr. Miller is currently offering brain training services, many of which are outlined in his Amazon Best Seller, Saving Your Brain: Causes, Prevention, and Reversal of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease, through a private membership association in Naples and Tampa.

Call 813.985.5190 for an appointment. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.

For more information, go to: www.savingyourbrain.com.