Category: Exercise
Training your Nervous System: A New Approach to Interval Training
Everyone knows how important exercise is for health. For those who suffer from fatigue and chronic illnesses (autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue synd [...]
Strong Like A River
River paddling is a full-body workout with a mighty partner. You can go down to a river purely for peace of mind if you like. Fish, drift on a raft li [...]
The Vitality of Movement
“I know I need to exercise more. It’s just so hard to find the time.”
I hear this in my office every day - and I totally get it. So many of us are [...]
Yoga: The Eight-Fold Path
Describing Yoga as an eight-fold path is a metaphor Jennifer Chadukiewicz, or Ananda Devi, as she is known to students and fellow Yogi [...]
Boost Thyroid Function and Immunity with Exercise and Stress Reduction
Regular exercise and stress reduction can act as kindling for your thyroid. As the igniter of metabolism, the thyroid gland regulates energy produ [...]
Optimizing Athletic Performance – Identifying and correcting shortcomings for runners and cyclists
Every sport creates areas of strength and areas of imbalance and weakness for the athlete. This is mainly due to a select group of muscles working re [...]
Complete Core Training
Do you only want abs that look great? Or do you want abs that improve the way you look, feel and perform? Well the fact of the matter is you can have [...]
PMS: A Monthly Update
A woman’s monthly cycle is a direct barometer of how her body is feeling. Approximately 75 to 80% of women experience the following symptoms on a mont [...]
Think You’re Just Too Heavy to Exercise? – Think Again
There are so many people out there who think they are just too big to exercise. Think again because simply, you’re not. You too can move your body. I’ [...]
Flat Bellies: Tips That REALLY Work
By: Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RD, LDN
Edited By: Billy Pratt, CPT, CPFT, PAS, GIPS – Head Trainer, Fitness Together Avon
Had a little too much comf [...]