Category: Conditions
Beware of Dental Tunnel Vision
Dentistry is essential to a person's wellbeing. One has to have an outstanding immune system to overcome potential problems in the mouth such as mercu [...]
The Importance of Your Oral-Nasal Complex
If someone were to ask you: “what is the most important nutrient that humans need to survive?” Most folks would say either food or water, which are un [...]
The Cutting-Edge Science of Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell treatments are being used across the country and the globe, recognized as helping many different health problems. Also, research shows that [...]
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Considering Alzheimer’s Prevention
The statistics are staggering. Alzheimer’s disease is currently the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Alzheimer’s [...]
Top Ten “Must Haves” for Fighting Colds and Flu
“Always be prepared” is a motto that has worked for the Boy Scouts for decades. It seems like a reasonable plan given there are still a few months of [...]
Natural Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Few people realize that the intestinal tract has its own nervous system that communicates directly with the brain [called the gut-brain axis]. Because [...]
Insulin Resistance as an Adaptation: Helpful or Not?
It was commonly believed that insulin resistance, a precursor to type II diabetes, developed as an adaptation to periods of starvation in our evolutio [...]
Reconnect with Nature, Reconnect with Yourself: A Whole-Health Journey in Africa
At times in life we lose track of the expansiveness of the universe. We sit in our cubicles hard at work, and we begin to feel that this is life: thes [...]
Home Care Vs. Home Health Care: What’s the Difference?
You’ve probably heard the saying: “Home is where the heart is.” Between the familiarity, the memories and the sense of independence, it’s not a surpr [...]
Digging Deeper into Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus, more commonly known as simply “diabetes,” involves the dysfunction of insulin, a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells which co [...]
How Is Your Brain Performing?
If you are an athlete and want to make sure that your brain is performing at its best, or you play a sport that has a possibility of concussive injuri [...]
8 Tips to Restoring Healthy Brain Function
Sleep, water, stress reduction, exercise, and diet are key when it comes to brain health. Here’s my top recommendations for improving brain health:
Belly Blues: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mood
Stress is something we all have experienced. We have all dealt with digestive issues at some point in our life, whether it be heartburn, gas, diarrhea [...]
Dermaplaning: The Hottest New Skincare Treatment
One of the trendiest exfoliation options today is dermaplaning, which is performed using a sterile surgical scalpel (not as scary as it sounds!) to ma [...]
Healthy Aging Primer, Part 2: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity
Efforts to increase healthspan by means of supplements and pharmaceuticals targeting aging-related pathologies are presently in spotlight of a new bra [...]
Natural Prevention for Breast Cancer
While preventing breast cancer is not an absolute, lowering your risks is an ideal way to do the best you can to stay healthy. Eating a healthy diet, [...]
Preventing Cancer Naturally with Nutrition and Exercise
To better prevent cancer occurrence or recurrence, the underlying causes of cancer such as DNA mutations and cellular metabolic dysfunction must be ad [...]
Compassionate Healing Modalities for Children
Children…we all love those adorable, energetic, creative, sweet, loving, delightful, expressive little beings! But children don’t always exhibit these [...]
Can You Let Go?
Maybe you're surprised to know that the three following statements are common to me (and probably most bodyworkers):
Thank you! I didn't realize ho [...]
Natural Remedies to Reduce Stress
Physical and emotional stress is a fact of modern life. We all experience it one way or another and sometimes it can help when motivating us to perfo [...]
The ABC and E’s of Accident and Injury: The Importance of an Integrated Healthcare Approach
Hey, quick question. Where was the rest of your body when your knee fell down the stairs or when your neck was in a car accident?
Over thirty years [...]
Reduce Your Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s
My interest in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s stems from my personal experience of caring for my parents over an eight-year period. My f [...]
Healthy Aging Primer, Part 1: How to Increase Health Span & Longevity
[A] virtual landslide of data has continually emphasized
the Western diet as the key factor in virtually every chronic
disease . . . During the 2 [...]
Natural Treatments for Childhood Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are becoming more prevalent in recent years. Adults and children alike suffer from various forms of anxiety, including extreme fear [...]