Category: Cancer
Make Not-Getting-Cancer a Hobby
Written by Deborah Percival on behalf of a friend.
If you think staying healthy is complicated, try getting cancer. Suddenly, carving out time to e [...]

Can an Unhealthy Digestive Tract Increase Breast Cancer?
One in eight; this is the number of women who will experience breast cancer in their lifetime. Dramatically higher than in the past, this statistic ha [...]

The Truth About Non-GMO Soy: A Nutritional Powerhouse
No sooner did the FDA take the highly unusual step of allowing a health claim
to be made for soy as a food in 1999, than it came under attack by a v [...]

Vitamin D3: A Study-Supported Essential Supplement (Part Two)
Researchers are beginning to find that low levels of vitamin D may be linked to other diseases, including breast and colon cancer, prostate cancer, [...]
The Gerson Therapy
The Gerson Therapy is a natural nutritional therapy that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet [...]
Nutritional Enzyme Therapy for Cancer
Most people are familiar with the word “oncology,” and for many it is an area of medicine that evokes anxiety or fear. Cancer is a degenerative diseas [...]

Oncology Massage with Healing Hands
By Larry Joyner, LMT
Oncology Massage Therapist
The Power of Compassionate Touch is for everyone. People dealing with cancer have th [...]
Breast Cancer Risks & Prevention
The good news is that breast cancer is a disease of long duration, and we have daily opportunities over a lifetime to make decisions that will encoura [...]
Perspectives on 20 Years of Breast Cancer Awareness
As a 52 year-old-woman and a naturopathic physician who has specialized in women’s health for 20 years, I am acutely aware of how breast cancer affect [...]
Chronic Cancer Pain: New Hope for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
Pain is “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” IA [...]
Prostate Cancer: Structure, Screening, and Prevention
The health of a very small gland has received a very large amount of attention in recent years. The battles of celebrities such as Louis Gosset Jr., D [...]
Benefits of Broccoli: Sulforaphane and Your Health
We all know that eating our broccoli is good for us, and many population studies have confirmed that people who eat more vegetables, and in particular [...]