Category: Cancer
Jumping Through Hoops: Facing Cancer with Traditional Healthcare
The past nine months have been some of the worst of my life. Around the beginning of the year, I began noticing that the annoying headache I had wasn’ [...]
The Link Between Obesity and Cancer
Cancer has become arguably the most dreaded word in ANY language. Although there are plenty of other illnesses people dread, including stroke, Alzheim [...]
Floating: A Natural Way of Healing
Diagnosing cancer is a long, drawn-out process. What’s worse is that when your diagnosis finally comes back, it’s only the beginning of a much longer, [...]
Daily Steps to Turn Fear into Healing
In the 2019 Sundance awarding-winning movie The Farewell by director Lulu Wang, there is a powerful scene where the uncle expresses a common Chinese p [...]
Never Fear Breast Cancer Again!
It was a typical midweek morning and I was getting ready for work. I jumped in the shower and did my breast self-exam as I routinely did every month. [...]
Integrative Oncology: Combining Traditional and Natural Treatment for Cancer
Choosing the best natural therapies to combine safely with conventional treatments can be difficult and is vitally important to get right. Studies est [...]
IV Nutrient Therapy for Cancer Care
IV therapy is a relatively new method of delivering medicine to patients, with its popularity taking off in the 1950s. It is a quick, effective way to [...]
8 Natural Treatments for HPV Infections
Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common gynecologic cancer and the 8th most common cancer among women in the US. Mean age at diagnosis is 50, but the c [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 2)
[S]ome of the best weapons you can give your Warrior Goddess to help her successfully fend off breast cancer are very tiny. . . . Only small amounts o [...]
Natural Ways to Promote Breast Health & Prevent Breast Cancer (Part 1)
Not counting some kinds of skin cancer, breast cancer in the United States is: The most common cancer in women, no matter your race or ethnicity. The [...]
Natural Prevention for Breast Cancer
While preventing breast cancer is not an absolute, lowering your risks is an ideal way to do the best you can to stay healthy. Eating a healthy diet, [...]
Preventing Cancer Naturally with Nutrition and Exercise
To better prevent cancer occurrence or recurrence, the underlying causes of cancer such as DNA mutations and cellular metabolic dysfunction must be ad [...]
Mega Boost Your Health with IV Vitamin Therapy
Intravenous (IV) therapy, also known as “Myer’s Cocktails,” has been used for decades, but for many of us, we need to go back to the basics and unders [...]
What Can Natural Medicine do for Cancer Treatment?
Cancer treatment is one of the most heavily researched fields in medicine. Scientists and researchers are constantly seeking better and novel treatmen [...]
Preserving Fertility, Preserving Hope
Some of the most emotionally difficult conversations I have in my office on a weekly basis are those with patients who are diagnosed with cancer and c [...]
Breast Cancer: The Integrative Connection
That scary word that any woman would fear to hear: Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a serious condition striking 1 in 8 women. There will be an estimat [...]
Has Breast Cancer Touched Your Life?
As women, breast cancer is a part of our lives. It has been a part of my life since my mother had her first scare with it back when I was a teenager, [...]
Can You Rewrite Your Story About Fear?
There is nothing that strikes fear into the hearts and minds of all of us like the word cancer. The Big C. It doesn’t matter if it is our diagnosis, t [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions Part 2
Curcumin has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activi [...]

Controversies in Breast Cancer Screening
As October comes to a close, so too does Breast Cancer Awareness Month – 31 days devoted to raising public awareness and funding to combat one of Amer [...]

Curcumin From Turmeric: Great Potential for Multiple Conditions, Part 1
Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus
has a pote [...]

Hypnosis: A Gentler Approach Than Battling Cancer
The battle approach to cancer is so pervasive in our thinking that it has become our only strategy. We are constantly waging war on cancer using chemo [...]

Natural Breast Health with Manual Therapy to Promote Lymphatic Drainage and Nutritional Wellness
Breast Health
Breast health is an important component of a woman’s health. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, regardless of race or [...]

Breast Health Beyond Cancer
A cancer experience is the definitive existential crisis. It shakes us out of a comfortable fog of illusion, which allows us to maintain a more-or-les [...]