Author: ESS_Naples
Your Behavior Can Affect Your Body
Have you ever wondered why you’re more prone to infection when sleep-deprived and sleepier when you have an infection? Do you know why people feel dep [...]
Can Love Survive Commitment?
Yes, Love CAN survive commitment and in the right environment continue to grow and flourish throughout our life span. Isn't that just such good news, [...]
Autoimmune Disease and Naturopathic Treatment
It was not very long ago that I became interested in Naturopathic Medicine. I always thought if I was ever to become a Naturopathic Physician I would [...]
Natural Approaches for Managing Head Injuries
We have all had the unfortunate experience of bumping our heads and seeing stars at least once in our lives. Head trauma, even from minor incidents, c [...]
Bugs: The Natural Way to Keep Them at Bay
Bugs! Do I respect them as part of Nature’s miraculous design…yes. Do I like them…not really. Despite daily intake of supplements reputed to be bug de [...]
Chronic Cancer Pain: New Hope for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
Pain is “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” IA [...]
Treating the Cause of Kidney Stones
Each year almost three million people will visit their doctor and more than half a million will go to the emergency room for the distinct severe flank [...]
When They Say There’s No Hope: Nutritional Approaches to Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases tend to be viewed as separate entities. A broader perspective, however, may reveal that shared mechanisms are the cause of disease [...]
Toxic World Part 2: The Scary Statistics
My previous article on toxicity (Scary Statistics) reviewed some horrifying information about the prevalence of toxins in our environment and the dama [...]
“Secret” Solutions for Crohn’s and Colitis
Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis are chronic inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract and together are known as Irritable Bowel Disease ( [...]
Not On My Shift
Now let me get back to the issue of death and loss. This is a subject that is not really confronted when you get a medical education. I struggled a gr [...]
No-Diet Weight Loss: The Virtual Gastric Band Program
The Virtual Gastric Band program is a Hypnosis technique that replicates the effects, results and benefits of traditional gastric band or gastric bypa [...]
Optimizing Athletic Performance: Identifying and Correcting Shortcomings for Runners and Cyclists
Every sport creates areas of strength and areas of imbalance and weakness for the athlete. This is mainly due to a select group of muscles working rep [...]
The Anti-Radiation Diet: A Sign of the Times?
First of all, let me say that my heartfelt prayers go out to all of those affected by the ravaging effects of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. In [...]
Men’s Health and Hormonal Balance
Men are often forgotten in the world of health when it comes to hormonal balance and the underlying factors that bring about ill health. Often they di [...]
Prostate Cancer: Structure, Screening, and Prevention
The health of a very small gland has received a very large amount of attention in recent years. The battles of celebrities such as Louis Gosset Jr., D [...]
“No Business Plan? No Business!”
I still remember these words from the small business workshop facilitator when I was starting my own business. However, I also remember disagreeing w [...]
Optimizing Athletic Performance – Identifying and correcting shortcomings for runners and cyclists
Every sport creates areas of strength and areas of imbalance and weakness for the athlete. This is mainly due to a select group of muscles working re [...]
Food Sensitivities
Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities. These sensitivities can cause a wide array of symptoms from rashes to bloating, from congestion [...]
The Decision of Euthansia
We choose to bring pets into our lives knowing that at some point we will probably have difficult end-of-life decisions to make. Regardless of what he [...]
What Does Your Liver Have To Do With Your Weight?
Weight loss can be a frustrating and arduous task for many people, especially when it seems like you’re doing everything right but not seeing the resu [...]
Getting Help at Home
When is it time to get home healthcare assistance? How do I make that decision? And when? These are questions families struggle with as they attempt t [...]
Complete Core Training
Do you only want abs that look great? Or do you want abs that improve the way you look, feel and perform? Well the fact of the matter is you can have [...]