Author: ESS_Naples
What if you only had one year to live?
What would you do? What places would you visit? Who would you spend your time with?
How many of you have contemplated this question? I mean seriou [...]
Self-confidence is SEXY!
Too many people think that being self-confident means you are cocky and disrespectful. Don’t get me wrong – there are people like that – but I wouldn’ [...]
Calling All Men… Are you STRESSED OUT?
We know that even moderate levels of prolonged stress have countless negative effects on the body, including insomnia, high cholesterol, high blood pr [...]
Head Out to our Local CT Farmers Markets this Summer
The sun has finally come back to our state, flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing and spring has arrived, and with it: farmers market season! Many co [...]
Infertility, A Guy’s Perspective
June is National Men’s Health Month. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, infertility affects both men and women equally. Howev [...]
A New Definition of Intimacy at The Outlook Lodge
Situated northwest of Colorado Springs at an elevation of 7800 feet, Green Mountain Falls has been a resort destination since the late 1800's. The vil [...]
Being a Mindful Man in a Crazy World
Every day in my practice I speak to patients about the significant role that stress plays in our lives. We discuss the tendency toward an overactive [...]
Peaceful, Ecofriendly Retreat at The Colonnade Hotel in Boston
One of the great things about living in Connecticut is the close proximity to some amazing cities like Boston and Manhattan. You can easily do Boston [...]
Women’s Health: A Matter of the Heart
There is an old saying: “We don’t know what we don’t know.” This phrase may be far more true than people know. Medicine today has descended into a wo [...]
All Your Questions about Spirituality, Energy and Health Answered!
I am grateful for the opportunity to help people experience the world I feel we are moving through and stepping into. This column is question and answ [...]
Can Your Genetics Cause Estrogen Dominance?
Many women struggle with estrogen dominance issues and may not even realize it. Symptoms are diverse and include premenstrual syndrome (PMS), mood swi [...]
Natural Relief from Constipation
Contrary to popular wisdom, frequency of bowel movements is not a criterion for diagnosing constipation because of the wide range of variability among [...]
Avoiding Exercise – What’s Your Excuse?
We can all agree that the benefits of exercise are endless, however despite this many of us do not have a workout routine. The reasons differ from per [...]
Swimsuit Season is Almost Here…Eliminate that Cellulite for Good!
You’re probably thinking … "seriously…this sounds way too good to be true." And over the years, you’ve probably seen and tried many “miracle” cures fo [...]
Skip Being the Good Mom and Get Naughty
I spent years trying to be the Good Mom. One year I grew Roma tomatoes in clay pots that I hand painted with the kids handprints. I blanched, peeled [...]
Spring for Dandelion Greens
I always find myself craving fresh spring greens as the weather warms. Something about the bracing bitterness of the greens awakens my palate and pro [...]
The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness for Stressed Out Mom’s
Motherhood. Wow! Children add a new dimension to our lives. Our lives are full. We have unending to do lists. We multitask well. Adding meditation pr [...]
Trouble Getting Pregnant Again? Using Mind-Body Techniques for Secondary Infertility
Couples look forward to growing their families and can be in for a shock when baby No. 2 is not so easy to conceive, especially when they had no troub [...]
Healthy Eating for Busy Moms
Imagine this scene—a day in the life of a busy mom… It’s the morning witching hour. You’ve got two kids (or more!) to corral. They’re moving ‘slowly’. [...]
How I Lost My Passion in Life and Love + Exactly How I Got It Back
Have you ever woken up one day, looked around at your life and thought,
“This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife! MY GOD!...WH [...]
The Weight Loss Puzzle Finally Solved! Excerpts from the new e-book by Drs. Frank Aieta and Diane Hayden
Every year millions of books on diet and weight loss are sold in this country alone yet the statistics focusing on obesity and being overweight in Ame [...]
Urinary Tract Infections: A Potentially Recurring Problem for Women & Men
Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body,
accounting for about 8.1 million visits to health care providers [...]
Food Sensitivities—Breaking Down the Basics!
We hear a lot about food sensitivities nowadays, with so many people avoiding one or multiple foods in their daily diets. Often, people cite food alle [...]
The Horror of Histamine!
After a long, cold winter we are finally starting to see the early signs of spring. The snow has melted. The temperatures are warming. Birds once agai [...]