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We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

We Have Been Conditioned to Have Poor Posture!

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Beginning at birth, we intuitively know about natural movement and begin to develop the musculature to propel us upward and outward into the world. We spend the first months creating the natural curves of our spine that we need for longevity. But as soon as we start to explore our surroundings, we unconsciously start to develop bad habits due to environmental and technological body positioning, such as being plopped in front of a television, playing video games, sitting at a desk at school, driving in a car, sitting in front of a computer at work, sitting in the waiting or examination room at the doctor’s office, sitting at a movie for entertainment, sitting to rest or relax, sitting at the beach, etc. We have the opportunity to sit just about anywhere and when there’s no place to sit, we might question why and even become offended. We sit so much that we compromise the four natural curves in our spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral) and unknowingly begin to develop poor posture.

It is not that sitting is bad or that we shouldn’t be doing it; however, it takes practice and instruction to sit without slouching or doing harm to our body. It is necessary to put our bodies into better positions while sitting in order to improve our posture and to promote proper body movement. If we continually do something improperly, we will develop pain and/or inflammation in our body. This pain may be a symptom of an acute or chronic problem that is caused by a simple misalignment of the body. We must listen to what our bodies are telling us to make our lives easier. We must teach the benefits of good posture and habits to everyone including our youth in order to avoid unnecessary stress on our spinal cord. We must realize and promote self-healing.

The Posture6 helps us to maintain a healthy, neutral posture by realigning the spine. It connects our shoulders to our back, lifting our chest, engaging our abdominal muscles, while neutralizing our hips and aligning our pelvis. Realignment of the spine helps to alleviate a multitude of aches and pains, reduces stress (physical, emotional, mechanical), and reduces wear and tear on the body by promoting better balance and proper movement. Improving the natural curves in our spine helps our body to absorb impact and have better range of motion. Posture6 provides constant feedback so that we feel changes in our body tension. With this awareness, even while sitting, we can cause our muscles to relax, reduce pain, and develop new muscle strengths and skills.

Improving our posture, especially when we are sitting, will help to relieve back, neck, and shoulder pain, stress or tension headaches, forward head posture and many other chronic problems. The Posture6 cues us to maintain good posture while sitting and promotes flexibility and improved mobility of our musculature by relieving the tightness and pain caused by poor posture.

When we are young, our bodies heal quickly. As we age, our bodies are not able to repair as quickly, and the constant tension from years of poor posture begins to take its toll. Wmust start putting our bodies into better positions in order to repair, even when sitting. Removing stress from our joints and musculature will help to restore balance and begin the repair process. Posture6 begins the healing process by balancing the musculature and relieving pressure/impingement on the nerves. With this decreased pressure on the nerves and joints, our body can finally begin to heal and repair itself.

As we sit behind the computer or in our cars, we are not aware of our stress, breathing, or how stiff we are. This lack of movement causes muscular fatigue. The Posture6 helps us to restore flexibility, creates better balance, teaches us how to coordinate movements from our center, and restores efficient and functional movement. Wearing Posture6 allows us to practice better posture while sitting and restores energy by making movement more efficient.

Posture6 reminds us when we are slouching and helps us develop better movement to energize and revive our life. We will correct unconscious habits, improve range of motion, and create stability of the joints and musculature by awareness and development of new movement habits. We will change the way that we are perceived and become more confident. As we develop better posture habits, we will decrease stress and tension in our body and reduce muscle fatigue. The Posture6 allows us to focus on our breath and how we can use each breath to decrease stress. With improved breathing, we will relax and energize our body.

The unique functionality of the Posture6 improves our well-being and our life by:


  • Realigning our spine and encouraging upright posture
  • Relieving stress on our back, neck, and spine
  • Repairing old, chronic back problems and beginning new movement habits
  • Restoring, rehabilitating, and developing muscles with more efficient and functional movement
  • Retraining our back with the development of new muscle strength and skills
  • Reviving our life and taking charge of our surroundings with this new knowledge of movement.

Look and feel better by wearing the Posture6. End your pain with better posture!

J. Brendan Ammann is the creator of the Posture6. A licensed massage therapist since 2004, Brendan Ammann combines a degree in mechanical engineering with training in gymnastics, kettlebell, Olympic lifting and a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. For 12 years, he has been working with people who have had chronic body problems. Brendan had been searching for the Posture6 ever since a childhood injury left him with a lifetime of chronic neck and back pain. Now that he has experienced the benefits and convenience of wearing the Posture6, he knows it will help others as well. Please visit www.posture6.com