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Garlic Herb Cashew Spread (serves 4–6)

Garlic Herb Cashew Spread (serves 4–6)

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In January 2021, Chef David Robbins launched Not A Burger, plant-protein patties, at the 3rd St S, Downtown Naples Farmer’s Market. A clean, plant-protein alternative. A healthier choice for the planet, for the future, and for you! 100% vegan | gf | non-GMO | nothing artificial | no preservatives | locally made | fresh unprocessed whole superfood ingredients | clean eating |clean living | eco sustainable || Per serving, approximately: 20 G protein / 7 G fat from organic olive oil / 30 g carbs / 325 calories / rich in iron, dietary fiber, prebiotics, and antioxidants || Made with locally sourced organic beets, ancient grains and legumes, organic herbs and spices.

This garlic herb cashew spread is the perfect condiment to add a creamy, rich, savory component to a grilled Not A Burger. It is rich in healthy fats and loaded with fresh herbs, garlic, and nutritional yeast. All good stuff. It is not a substitute for cheese, but you will definitely not find yourself wanting.

(recommend sourcing organic/local ingredients when possible)

  • 1 lb raw unsalted cashews
  • 2 qts water
  • 4 oz extra virgin olive oil (or oil of your choice)
  • 2 oz extra virgin coconut oil (this helps with viscosity)
  • 8–10 roasted/browned garlic cloves (or 1 tsp dry granulated garlic)
  • 1 oz each minced fresh chives / thyme / rosemary / chervil
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp fresh cracked pepper
  • Sea salt or kosher salt to taste (approx. 2 tsp)

Specialized Equipment

  • VitaMix or other high-powered blender with plunger tool (or wooden spoon).

Plan Ahead

  • Using 1 to 1.5 quarts water, fully submerge and soak the cashews overnight (refrigerated).
  • Before blending, bring the cashews and oils up to room temperature or above (80–100°F is good).


  • Starting with the cashews, drain the excess water from the soaking process
    and discard.
  • Place the cashews into VitaMix.
  • Add the remainder of the ingredients (except the extra half quart of water and fresh chopped herbs).
  • Starting on slow speed and gradually working up to high speed, use the plunger tool and puree the cashews mixture until very smooth and creamy.
  • Add in water if needed to achieve desired texture.
  • If the mixture gets warm/hot while in the blending process, this is OK.
  • The final product should have the smoothness of a creamy peanut butter.
  • Remove from the VitaMix, stir in the fresh chopped herbs, then refrigerate. It will thicken as it cools.
  • The product must stay refrigerated and will keep for approximately 7–10 days.

Vegan: A system of diet and lifestyle beliefs in which no animal products are consumed or used.
Plant-based: A system of diet focused on eating 100% or mostly plants, departed from any ethical conflicts with animal products.
Whole foods: Foods/ingredients that have been processed or refined as little as possible, remaining close to their natural state.

Chef David RobbinsChef David Robbins (a true locavore chef) is an advocate for biodynamic agriculture, slow foods, clean eating/living, veggie forward cuisine, supporting family owned local businesses, and spreading education on all aspects of sustainability. Growing up on a small family farm in Hawaii gave him a unique appreciation and perspective for the places and people that produce our food. Chef Robbins launched “The Sunday Supper Club,” in collaboration with various local experts connected to a wide span of clean living components. Robbins describes the events as “a way to experience community, good eats, whole food philosophy, and meaningful conversations. His vision is to recreate the sense of healthy connectivity people had with the earth, their food, farmers, bakers, and neighbors that has been lost to too many of us in recent decades.

IG: @chefdavidrobbins
[email protected]