
Finding Your Essence

Finding Your Essence

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Whether you are the entrepreneur of your business or your life, you will need to understand the shift in consciousness that is occurring in people all over the world. With this shift, an understanding of energy and the spiritual dimension is becoming a necessity in order to thrive and prosper in this century. Many people have different definitions of what it means to be conscious-minded, from a spiritual perspective to a mental or emotional perspective to a physical perspective. I believe to truly come from a place of being conscious about your life and your actions; you have to incorporate all of these into your belief system.


With all of the daily demands and challenges we face, how do we maintain this conscious-minded perspective on a regular basis? A practice and belief system that I have developed that has worked amazingly well for myself and others empowers the individual to believe that through developing consciousness skills in certain areas of their life, they can bring anything they desire into their life. The process focuses on teaching and developing these skills in four areas of one’s life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. In ordinary terms, the individual discovers the relationship between “be” (spiritual consciousness) – “think” (mental consciousness) – “feel” (emotional consciousness) – and “do” (physical consciousness) – which leads to creation or manifestation.


The first skill we’ll focus on is spiritual consciousness or what I call “be”. In order to be conscious in any of the other areas, you must first get in touch with who you are at the most basic level of being. Your essence. The essence of who you are as a spiritual being determines everything you attract into your life. This essence determines your thoughts and belief system.  And because your thoughts determine your emotions and feelings and your feelings determine the actions you take on a daily basis, where you are in life is simply a result of who you are. Most of us have no idea what we want in life, let alone who we are! I believe that once you figure out who you are as a spiritual being, what your purpose is for being alive, then the rest will fall into place.

Finding or tuning into your essence is not an easy thing. Webster defines essence as: 1. the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence; 2. the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person. What is the most significant quality or aspect of you as a human being? Are you here to love, to inspire, to nurture, to be compassionate or maybe all of the above? The ego loves to get involved here and tell you who you’re supposed to be or rather what you’re supposed to “do” in this lifetime, but you won’t find your true essence through thought or what the mind tells you. You’ll have to feel your way into this one. And some would say it’s even beyond emotions or feelings. Don’t get confused by asking yourself what you are here to do, the real question is who are you here to be?

There are many exercises out there to help you find your essence or purpose; however, many of them focus too much on thinking about it.  A couple of my favorites involve relying more on present moment awareness practices; meditation, shamanic journeying, and silent retreats. Finding your essence is a work in progress and it may change over the years and you may have more than one purpose throughout your lifetime. Just keep giving yourself the space to tune into and listen to what your soul is saying to you. When it really comes down to it, what kind of person do you want to be remembered as, what legacies do you want to leave? And I don’t mean legacy in terms of an empire, a successful business or a prominent career. When the mind quiets down and is finally silent, who are you? Who is that being inside of you that has no fear, that places no judgment, that has infinite wisdom? What is the one word that would describe that part of you? That is your true essence.

Dr. Diane Hindman is the owner and publisher of Natural Nutmeg Magazine and founder of Dr. Diane Speaks. She is a speaker, writer and workshop facilitator. For 20 years, her work has focused on inspiring individuals to learn about the power of thought and emotion and how it shapes their lives. She holds a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Connecticut, a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland and is a Certified Empowerment Life Coach. Her passion centers on helping people bridge the gap in understanding and using spiritual, sustainable and natural living tools to achieve their personal and professional goals. You can learn more about her online at www.naturalnutmeg.com or www.drdianespeaks.com.