Category: Infertility
Arvigo Therapy® and Rainforest Remedies for Fertility Enhancement
As with many things these days, what’s old is new again. Welcome to Arvigo Therapy® and Rainforest Remedies (Herbal Remedies). The Arvigo® Techniques [...]
Co-Creating Healthy Families: What You Need to Do Before Getting Pregnant
It is so amazing to have the opportunity and desire to create a family with the one you love. I had the great privilege to be very intentionally pregn [...]
Reduce Your Risk of Infertility
There are a number of reasons that may be contributing to the difficulties experienced by a couple who cannot become pregnant. Whatever the cause, inf [...]
Is Hormone Imbalance Causing Infertility?
According to the CDC, one in eight couples have difficulty becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Difficulty conceiving can lead to feelings of [...]
Struggling with Infertility: Try a Natural Approach
It is estimated that over 12% of reproductive age women struggle with infertility. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of [...]
Leveraging the Natural Power of the Mind to Conceive
The infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference, but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]
7 Steps for Healthy Conception with TCM
More than six million couples are diagnosed with infertility, and more than nine million are seeking treatment for infertility in the US each year. Th [...]
Preserving Fertility, Preserving Hope
Some of the most emotionally difficult conversations I have in my office on a weekly basis are those with patients who are diagnosed with cancer and c [...]
Infertility, A Guy’s Perspective
June is National Men’s Health Month. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, infertility affects both men and women equally. Howev [...]
Trouble Getting Pregnant Again? Using Mind-Body Techniques for Secondary Infertility
Couples look forward to growing their families and can be in for a shock when baby No. 2 is not so easy to conceive, especially when they had no troub [...]

Finding Fertility in the Grocery Store Aisle
The secret ingredient to improving fertility might just be in the grocery store. While no single food can magically help someone conceive, a well-roun [...]

What the Mind Believes, the Body Can Conceive
The Infertility statistics in the United States are a bit inconsistent, depending on the source you reference; but let’s face it, if you’re someone wh [...]

How Echoes in the Energy Body Inhibit Fertility
There is a specific kind of pain that results from the loss of life in the womb. Many people have experienced this nameless pain and rarely find a saf [...]

Is My Diet Affecting My Ability to Conceive?
Many people have heard the saying “you are what you eat”, well this saying is especially true for a couple trying to conceive. Never has nutrition p [...]

Infertility: The Holiday Season’s Biggest Grinch
The holidays can be the happiest time of year… or the saddest. According to the National Institutes of Health, there is a high incidence of depression [...]

Six Baby Steps to a Healthier Pregnancy
Whether you plan to start a family now or in a few years, there are things you can do that will help improve your chance of a healthy pregnancy. Start [...]

Optimizing Women’s Health and Fertility with Essential Oils
It is no mystery that a woman’s body is profoundly affected by her hormones. It seems like we go through life on this roller coaster ride of ups and d [...]

Why You Should Watch Out For Genetic Mutations
Have you ever felt something was off in your body but were told over and over everything is "normal?" This is the case for so many people, who then ca [...]

The Truth about Male Infertility
Advances in infertility medicine and treatment are bringing hope and success to infertility patients. And yet the biggest challenge to a couple’s fert [...]

Maintaining and Strengthening Relationships During Infertility Treatment
As the saying goes, marriage takes work. In fact, all relationships are work, but in truth it is the external factors that test our most precious ties [...]

Can Environmental Factors be Affecting Your Ability to Conceive?
Many couples don’t have to try very hard to conceive, while others struggle and are faced with the trials and tribulations of infertility. For either [...]
Managing Infertility is like Learning to Surf
Suggestions such as “relax,” “take a vacation,” or “just give it time and it will happen,” are commonly heard by patients struggling with infertility. [...]
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