Category: ADHD
Saving Your Brain from Anxiety and ADHD
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) impacts 1 in 10 children now in the United States according to the CDC. It is the most prevalent menta [...]
New Year New Child: 5 Tips for Better Focus and Attention
It is almost 2020, a year that sounds more like science fiction than reality. As with every year, it’s a perfect time for us to look at the year behin [...]
The Emerging Field of Nutrition and Mental Health
From the time of the ancients until the 17th century everyone recognized the interconnectedness of the mind and body. The idea of viewing the mind an [...]
Natural Treatments for ADHD…Just What the Doctor Ordered
Recent studies seem to indicate that ADHD is on the rise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cases of ADHD are up 42 percent [...]

Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges
Here in Connecticut we are very much aware of the mental health challenges our children are experiencing given the increased diagnoses of ADHD and Aut [...]
ADHD-Nutritional Strategies for School Success
Another summer has drawn to a close and the stores have been displaying backpacks, study supplies and school ready clothes for a month. For children [...]
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