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An Unwanted Freedom

An Unwanted Freedom

The Toughest Lesson I Learned as a Single Woman
You Want to Trust…but Experience Tells You Not To
Understand Your Filters and Transform Your Life

This summer, our precious 15 year old family dog Hailey made her transition to non-physical. It was a deeply emotional time for our entire family and a monumental loss for me on many levels. Hailey was my constant companion from the moment she arrived in our home to the moment she left. For the first year, she slept under my desk on my foot and on the last weekend of her being at home, I laid on the floor with her and barely left her side.

For the past year, I knew her time was near and I kept petting her and looking at her knowing that my shadow would be leaving soon. As her caretaker, I was surrounded by her beautiful energy not only in my personal life but also in my professional life. Hailey would come up to my office to do sessions with my clients and when she couldn’t climb the stairs, I brought my office downstairs to ensure her healer energy was part of the process.

Caretaking for Hailey was hard as many of you know who have loved elder dogs. It seemed like my husband and my entire conversations centered around Hailey’s needs from a constant monitoring of her food, her poops, her meds, her movement. Hailey received all the love from both of us that was humanly possible. In fact, I believe we were able to give her better loving then we could give to each other and that worried me.

I knew that when Hailey left her physical body, life would be forever changed. There would be an unwanted freedom that my husband and I would need to figure out what to do with as individuals and as a couple. It seems that when you are the caretaker for a precious loved one, you put a part of your life on hold. For me that was a welcome hold for as an author, Hailey kept me grounded at home to take care of her needs and to write my upcoming book, Feast & Famine.

In this present moment, I am now free to expand my career, to travel with my husband, to fix up our home like taking up those old carpets! I never realized how many decisions were on hold and it feels overwhelming at times. If I was advising a client on how to manage this time of loss and freedom, I would share the following:

  • Feel and express every emotion that you are feeling. It is perfectly fine to cry about losing your precious pet. It is hard to say goodbye to a dear member of your family.
  • Follow up each sad moment with a funny, goofy experience that you had with your pet. Follow your cry with a good laugh. This is how your pet would want you to remember them.
  • Express the unconditional love that you share with your fur baby to others. Don’t allow the loss to shut down your heart. Instead, be more loving and share what your fur baby taught you.
  • Take your time in making decisions that are possible with your new freedom. There is no rush when it comes to making a right decision. Find the balance of heart and mind in your decisions.
  • Continue to live your life in pursuit of your dreams, in pursuit of your Soul’s desired outcome. When you are ready, get out there in an even bigger way and make your fur baby proud.

Our home is quieter but never empty because Hailey’s energy will be forever a part of our very fabric. My plan is to make the greatest impact I can with my unwanted freedom. If you would like to learn more about how to make the greatest impact in your life, click: https://my.timetrade.com/book/G2QDK to set up a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL 20-minute Discovery Call with me and we will explore together!

Robin Clare is the creator of the Divine Freedom Formula™, a three-tier approach to fulfilling your Soul Mission across your personal, professional and community life. Robin is an experienced corporate MBA, non-profit administrator and holistic entrepreneur. She is an advanced Akashic Record reader and a certified 13th Octave La Ho Chi energy healing practitioner. Robin won 10Best in Natural Nutmeg’s Readers Poll for BOTH Life/Business Coach and Energy Healer. She is the author of Messiah Within and the Amazon Best Selling spiritual book, The Divine Keys. Robin is available to speak to your community. To learn more, please go to: www.clare-ity.com or call 860-232-3331.