
20 Ways to Refresh Your Body This Spring

20 Ways to Refresh Your Body This Spring

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Spring is here and a perfect time to do some spring cleaning. This year focus on cleaning the toxins out of your body in addition to your closet. Begin thinking about where toxins might be in your home so you can decrease daily exposure and nourish your body in a way that supports its innate ability to detoxify, regenerate and thrive.

What happens when our bodies are overloaded with toxins? Our immune system becomes compromised because the liver is using up many important nutrients to filter out these toxins which leaves us run down, susceptible to infection and at risk of developing disease. Plus, our fat cells do a great job of storing toxins resulting in excess weight gain.

Here are my top 20 ways to clean out those toxins:

1. Eat whole foods from nature and an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. 8-10 servings per day, as colorful as possible and include cruciferous veggies which aid in detoxification. Choose organic when possible. Check out the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists at: www.ewg.org.

2. Eat clean animal protein only. Organic pastured chicken, 100% grass-fed/pastured beef, wild caught fish and seafood.

3. Hydrate! Start your day (before coffee) with 16 oz of purified water. Add a splash of fresh lemon juice for added detox. The daily goal is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day.

4. Exercise. Rebounding enhances detoxification by flushing the lymphatic system so try Bounce class.

5. Consider Intermittent Fasting. Begin with a 12 hour overnight fast and work up to 16-18 hours. Studies show this to be an effective way to improve insulin resistance, generate new mitochondria and lose weight.

6. Sleep. Studies show that lack of sleep can cause weight gain, poor concentration, and decreased immune function. Shoot for a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

7. Remove sugar from your diet. Sugar in all forms can be toxic and increase risk of fatty liver, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

8. Clean up personal care products and cosmetics. Never put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t feel comfortable eating. Check your current products at: www.ewg.org (Skin Deep Database), www.goodguide.com, https://madesafe.org. Avoid toxic nail polish – www.fifthavenails.com in Avon, CT is my local favorite.

9. Avoid chemical sunscreens. Look for mineral based, non-nano options. www.ewg.org

10. Avoid toxic hair color. Look for salons that use organic hair color. Rootz Salon in Collinsville, CT is my personal local favorite.

11. Use only natural cleaning products. Make them yourself or find non-toxic brands that you like. There may be some trial and error here. www.ewg.org (Guide to Healthy Cleaning). Ditch the fabric softener.

12. Avoid plastic and plastic wrap. Plastic leaches into food and drink and is a hormone disrupter. Don’t let it come into contact with food or beverages including those plastic coffee cup lids and Keurig pods. Use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel.

13. Avoid canned foods. Can linings contain BPA or other toxic coatings that are hormone disrupters. Buy in glass whenever possible.

14. Keep aluminum foil and aluminum cookware away from food. Studies show a link between aluminum and cognitive decline/dementia. Use unbleached parchment paper to line pans or wrap food.

15. Avoid dry cleaning chemicals. Let clothes air out outside or find an organic (less toxic) dry cleaner. Better yet, hand wash if possible.

16. Filter shower and bath water. Absorbing chlorine through your skin and inhaling it daily can impact health, especially thyroid health. https://www.showerfilterstore.com

17. Ditch old non-stick cookware. Switch to ceramic cast iron, cast iron or high gauge stainless steel. If you must have a non-stick pan, make sure it is safe non-stick and PFOA and PTFE free.

18. Keep indoor air as clean as possible. Avoid artificial air fresheners and scented candles. Look for soy or beeswax candles that are fragrance free or diffuse essential oils instead. Have your indoor air quality tested and if necessary purify the air. The best air purifier that I have come across is: http://www.pureairdoctor.com; register and enter Health Partner Code 121 for a discount.

19. Keep yard weed and pest free naturally. Protect your home from carpenter ants with essential oils! A local company is: http://www.ecochoicepest.com. Ask for their green option.

20. Avoid X-rays as much as possible. Ask for the thyroid guard when getting dental x-rays or your mammogram. Follow an antioxidant supplement protocol the day of your mammogram to mitigate the effects of radiation exposure.

If you would like support implementing these therapeutic lifestyle interventions, Kathy can guide, motivate and hold you accountable on the journey. Call and make an appointment today!

Submitted by Kathy Beach, MS, NBC-HWC
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Natural Health & Healing
860-463-7179 (cell)
860-677-4600 (office)
