
Touchpoints 180™: Ketosis for Mental Health

Touchpoints 180™: Ketosis for Mental Health

How Is Your Brain Performing?
Saving Your Brain from Anxiety and ADHD
Move Further from the Shadow of Alzheimer’s

“I don’t want medication.” Sound familiar?

Sometimes, you or someone you love has developed symptoms that seem to stack up, such as anxiety, depression, brain fog, obsessive thinking, and impulsivity. It can feel like you’re a mess, and you can find yourself hauling around diagnoses like generalized anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, or OCD.

Maybe you’re asking, “Will I ever get well?” or “Why is my body against me?” Maybe you wish there were something that could actually help your brain heal itself.

There is. It’s called metabolic psychiatry, and we’re on the leading edge of it with neuroscience breakthroughs, real-world results, and research we’ve presented and published that shows you can dramatically improve your brain health and restore your brain, mind, and spirit. It’s the key to getting you to your best self.

Food as Medicine for Metabolic Illness
Metabolism is at the center of everything your brain and body do, and the most critical parts of your metabolism are your mitochondria – the little energy wheelhouses in each brain cell and in every other cell everywhere else in your body. When they’re not functioning optimally, you can develop a cluster of mind and body symptoms that worsen over time. Depression, anxiety, irritability, impulsivity, brain fog, memory loss, tiredness, sleeping trouble, weight gain, high blood pressure, prediabetes, inflammatory bowel, and joint conditions.

Brain health starts with metabolic health. We’re here to show you that you have the power to change your mind and your metabolism with a powerful and evidence-based real treatment: a carefully formulated, personalized ketogenic diet. The science behind a therapeutic ketogenic diet is all about brain energy. Real food. Lasting change.

Metabolic Illness Has Crescendoed in the 21st Century – and So Have Psychiatric Symptoms
Processed, high-carbohydrate foods full of sugars and seed oils reduce the energy your brain cells have to work with because glucose can be an inefficient form of fuel if it can’t get into them quickly and when needed. And when mitochondria can’t get the fuel/energy they need, that’s when the trouble starts.

Metabolic psychiatry can turn that around. Metabolic psychiatry is where we use our deep psychiatric expertise, metabolic mastery, and approach to nutritional ketosis as a transformative treatment to restore brain energy. It is a profound intervention that has been shown to stop psychosis, put bipolar into remission, tamp down anxiety, and produce clear thinking. It’s so much more than just a keto diet. When brain cells have fast, consistent energy, they can thrive and bring a sense of well-being and calm. Joy and energy replace misery. Brain fog evaporates. Irritability is silenced. Response to trauma dampens. You gain the power to live a full and rewarding life. Metabolic psychiatry is a sophisticated treatment to restore mental health by focusing on brain health and mitochondrial health.

Fundamentally, the brain is an energy – demanding organ – more than any other part of your body. With a therapeutic ketogenic diet individualized for your unique mental and medical needs, we can get your body to transition into nutritional ketosis. This not only changes your metabolism, but it also changes your brain chemistry in a most significant, elegant way: optimizing brain energy, neurotransmitters, signaling agents, and sirtuins and turning on DNA expression to refine mechanisms that enhance neuronal survival and promote longevity. It can also tamp down anxiety, mood swings, and rage like nobody’s business.

Remission, freedom, and health that can be real and sustained. Music to your ears?

Perfect Fuel – 24/7
The kind of energy swap we’re talking about in your mitochondria reduces systemic inflammation throughout your body, which reduces neuroinflammation – the inflammation deep within and around brain cells.

That’s critically important because neuroinflammation triggers dendritic pruning and a host of psychiatric conditions and plays a role in the development of progressive neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and multiple sclerosis.

When you consider the striking impact that therapeutic nutritional ketosis could have in your brain, you can see why medically supervised ketogenic treatment in psychiatry is so much more than just a keto diet – it’s a profound intervention. It has been shown to stop psychosis, put bipolar disorder into remission, tamp down anxiety, and produce clear thinking. In our practice, it’s a targeted treatment, a medical prescription that involves not just food but learning, community-building, and so much more.

What’s the Deal with Mitochondria?
In our first-of-its-kind program, Touchpoints 180™, we focus specifically on developing therapeutic nutritional ketosis to treat depression, anxiety, and other brain disorders. We focus on energizing your spirit, changing your mind, and restoring your brain health.

More than 100 years of science, patient outcomes, and elegant, randomized clinical trials prove that a properly formulated ketogenic diet can so balance the brain that it stops seizures in their tracks. Up to 60% of patients with intractable seizures see their seizures completely stop with a ketogenic diet.

Why Is This Important?
There is no other intervention, diet, or psychiatric treatment so safe and effective that it can actually stop seizures, tamp down misfiring (that we also see in anxiety, rage, and impulsivity), and nourish, regulate, and restore balance in the brain. Nothing so safe has been used in infants, children, and adults with striking efficacy. It can be and has been used long-term. It should become part of the standard of care in psychiatry.

It’s become our standard of care.

When your body generates a certain level of ketones consistently, your mitochondria adapt to run on ketones instead of glucose. And the more they do, the more they proliferate – more powerhouses! – the more they begin transcribing new code from their mitochondrial DNA. What does new code mean for your future? New opportunities, a new path, a new narrative – that starts on a cellular level.

This is how your present changes your future and how you can change the trajectory of your own life. Enhancing mitochondrial DNA expression can change your brain for the better and your future for the better. You have the power to do all that – from your own kitchen.

We show you how.

Touchpoints 180™
At Innovative Psychiatry, we offer our ground-breaking Touchpoints 180™ – individualized treatment tailored to your needs, likes, speed, symptoms, and necessary support with dozens of touchpoints to help you do a 180. And set to optimize your unique brain, mind, and body – taking into account the experiences you’ve had along the way. There’s nothing like it anywhere. And we support your transformation with frequent follow-ups, drop-in virtual groups, friends and family support, digital tools, meticulous monitoring, a book club, and nature walks.

When you work with us, you’ll know we don’t just talk – we walk the walk right alongside you.

Join us for your best life yet.

Lori Calabrese, MD, is a Hopkins and Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in metabolic psychiatry. She offers novel advanced treatments for psychiatric conditions at her practice, Innovative Psychiatry, in South Windsor, CT. Her Metabolic Psychiatry practice provides a comprehensive treatment path with ketogenic and low-carb interventions through Touchpoints 180TM. 1330 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT 06074. For more information, call 860.648.9755 or visit: loricalabresemd.com.