
The Healing Power of Spiritual Awareness

The Healing Power of Spiritual Awareness

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The importance of spiritual awareness in our lives is not quantifiable. Understanding how body, mind, and soul are interconnected can empower us to live healthy, conscious, and spiritually aware lifestyles. By learning how to balance your energies, eat the right foods, and calm your mind, your being starts to feel complete again. Have you ever asked yourself whether you have the higher awareness to know whether something is missing from your life? In addition to our physical body, we have an energetic body that can be enhanced to create physical changes resulting in healing, opening stagnated energy fields and experiencing the calming fluidity of life. The universe is working with us by opening these energy fields. All of our problems begin in the energy field before manifesting in the physical, so as we seek to heal ourselves and address our problems, is it not of the essence that we are looking in the right place?

So often, we hear stories from people who have been looking everywhere to find ways to heal themselves, without success. Understanding the energetic network, such as your mental communication, has a direct effect on the changes in your energy field, causing it to either expand or contract—the latter of which will lead to us being unwell, since every disease has an emotional, mental charge to it. We know from long-term experiences, for example, that anger can lead to problems of the liver, sadness to lung issues, fear and anxiety to issues with the kidneys, and being worried and an overthinker can lead to pancreatic problems. By recognizing habitual behavior and changing your energy, your organs receive a charge of energy to release stagnation and the organs will begin to heal and become whole again.

By awakening our true selves, we start to connect with the Source from which the purest and highest energy flows. When we are open to receiving the love and wisdom from the Source, we are filled with Divine energy, guiding and inspiring us in all we do. In this awareness there is no separation of the self and life—everything flows in unity, beyond duality; everything and everyone is experienced as oneness, which resonates with a continuous flow of universal love. When we live with spiritual awareness, there is only oneness, acceptance, and love of the self and of others as the grace of one’s Divine nature. The Health and Wellness Sanctuary of SW Florida concentrates all of its modalities on this ultimate truth.

The nonprofit Health and Wellness Sanctuary of SW Florida offers different courses and programs to empower people to live healthy, conscious, and spiritually aware lifestyles. The Health and Wellness Sanctuary offers many classes to help this process, such as private consultations, meditation, yoga, Qi Gong, mindful classes, and certified courses and workshops.
Check out our course “Awaken, Grow Your Wings.” During this three-month self-transformation course, you will learn how to harmonize, attune, and balance your vital energy centers through clearing distorted resonance, meditation, working with Sacred texts to awaken the self, and more. Weekly sessions on Zoom or in live classes. We also offer individual guidance, if needed.
Contact us at: [email protected] or 239.269.2221 and visit: www.healthandwellnessnaples.com.