
Say Goodbye to Fear, Stress and Anxiety, Naturally

Say Goodbye to Fear,  Stress and Anxiety, Naturally

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One only needs to glance at the newspaper headlines or listen to a radio or news broadcast to know that the world we live in can at times be very fear-provoking and stressful. Most of us live in a fast paced environment in an age of high speed technology fraught with continuous pressure and perpetual change. In today’s chaotic and sometimes frightening world we may find ourselves, our children or loved ones filled with stress and anxiety, unable to create a sense of peace.

Thankfully, today, there is hope to help quickly dissolve stress. Thought Field Therapy tm, the Callahan Techniques © and Hypnosis can be a natural, fast, very effective and integral part of the healing process. They quickly help to reduce the severity of fear, anger, loss and grief as well as negative thoughts, feelings and emotions related to perceived or real life events.

The combination of these amazing therapies is the perfect marriage of two natural stress reduction techniques which can create almost instantaneous life-changing experiences and result in feelings of deep peace and relaxation.

Thought Field Therapy™

Dr. Roger Callahan, noted clinical psychologist, began exploring alternative therapies in the early 1980’s, searching for a faster and better way to help those suffering from emotional distress. After years of research he developed Thought Field Therapy™, a unique therapeutic process that has a remarkably high rate of effectiveness and can elicit immediate, lasting, measurable and unparalleled results for those suffering from a wide variety of problems such as fears, phobias, anxiety, stress and even PTSD, often within minutes.

The use and discovery of the TFT™ system has been at the forefront of the new field of energy psychology and brief therapy. This powerful method integrates the sciences of acupuncture, the meridian system and applied kinesiology with the associated emotional problem to successfully eliminate negative and often debilitating emotional and physical responses. While stimulating specific meridian points in a precise order and thinking about the upsetting issue, one utilizes the power of the body’s own bio-energy system to release the unwanted negative response. TFT™ techniques can help to rapidly alleviate emotional distress with profound and measurable results.


It is a well-established fact that Hypnosis, also known as Therapeutic Hypnosis, is widely recognized by researchers as a very safe, natural and enjoyable state of deep physical and emotional relaxation. Hypnosis may possibly even be as old as mankind itself. And yet, to some, the very word still conjures up thoughts of creepy old castles, thunderstorms and helpless victims in a zombie-like trance. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven, scientifically, sound applications.

Today, hypnosis has gone mainstream. Over the years millions of people world-wide have benefited from its use. Men, women and children are using hypnosis regularly and their doctors are recommending it for help with many problems from arthritis to childbirth to stress reduction. Major hospitals across the U.S. are using hypnosis to speed surgical recovery, heal fractures weeks faster and assist in reducing pain and improve healing of burns. It can help to alleviate negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs as well eliminate the emotional blockages preventing one from accomplishing personal goals.

Hypnosis can be used as an effective tool for everything from self-esteem to behavior modification. Traditional therapeutic hypnosis has been a very successful tool for weight loss. Now many who prefer to avoid gastric band surgery can use the new Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis program as well. Smoking cessation, sleep issues, success, memory, fear, motivation and healing are commonly helped through the use of Hypnosis.

Stress, Fear, emotional and physical traumas may deplete a person’s physical energy as well as cause a multitude of other issues. Western medicine is only now beginning to understand that health and illness is related to our emotional state of inner harmony and balance. Releasing negative thoughts and emotions with Thought Field Therapy and solidifying the positive changes with Hypnosis can unlock the power of the body and mind and help one to feel happier, healthier and able to once again discover the natural joy of life.

Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv, Director of Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis Center specializes in fast and effective methods for weight loss, healthy eating, stress, fear and pain reduction, smoking cessation, success, motivation, sports performance as well as fear and phobia elimination for public speaking and other issues. She is a registered Consulting Hypnotist and Certified in Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program™, Thought Field Therapy™, Time Line Therapy™, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Complementary Medical Hypnosis. HypnoBirthing™, Touch for Health (Systematic Applied Kinesiology) and Healing From The Body Level Up I, II and III. Diane is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotherapists. Established in Fairfield County since 1989, her office is located at 1177 High Ridge Road in Stamford, CT. For more information or to schedule a free consultation or appointment please call 203 595-0110, www.mindbodytransformation.com.