
Robotics Muscular Therapy Is a Game Changer

Robotics Muscular Therapy Is a Game Changer

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Aches and pains getting you down? We all seem to have some aches and pains that bother us on a daily basis. But why are these chronic issues so prevalent? It has to do with the way that our muscles work as well as our lifestyle. Our muscles start off long and pliable, able to move freely and allowing us wide range of motion. As we age, become less active, or engage in repetitive motion or certain postures, our muscles start to contract and shorten, losing flexibility. Injury, stress, and even everyday activities can cause muscles to shorten and become imbalanced as well.

Why Relaxed Muscles Matter
As muscles shorten, they become tight and can change our posture and even pull bones out of alignment (the reason people need chiropractic care). It can also inhibit athletic performance. As performance is lost, pain sets in and if the muscle is overstretched, muscles may tear and become injured even further, exacerbate the issue. As large muscles shorten, it becomes very difficult to lengthen them again. Manual therapy such as massage cannot put enough sustained pressure on the large muscles to allow them to completely relax and return to their natural state.

Certain postures cause muscles to contract. Today, we often spend a lot of time with our arms forward—driving, computer work, phone use, kitchen work, and so on causes our shoulders to round as our pectoral muscles becomes tight with lack of use and stretching. Even something passive like sitting for prolonged periods cause large muscles such as the psoas and hip flexors to shorten, which can cause low back pain as these large muscles pull and strain other muscles. The pain that these tight muscles cause is real, and no amount of stretching can lengthen these large muscles once they become shortened.

Robotic Precision Therapy
A muscle therapy technology called Robotic Precision Therapy can solve these issues. This non-invasive, passive therapy applies gentle static pressure to a specific area of the muscle at programmed intervals. This light pressure lengthens the muscle fibers back to their proper state, correcting imbalances. This lengthening process alleviates the tension on the bone structure and nerves.

An evaluation of each body’s general biomechanics is made, determining which muscles are inhibiting movement. Then, using a robotic arm and a computer, these benefits are achieved using intellectual manipulation, applying precise pressure to connective tissues dramatically increasing mobility while greatly decreasing pain:

  • Lengthening muscles
  • Correcting imbalances
  • Releasing waste build-up
  • Softening muscles
  • Restoring normal blood flow
  • Aiding in healing
  • Alleviating tension on the skeletal structure, muscles, and nerves

Athletes intent on taking their game to the next level can benefit from Robotic Precision Muscular Therapy by gaining increased flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and better retention of muscular development. Additionally, both new and old injuries can be treated and held at bay while allowing athletes to continue to play, and often, afflictions common to a particular sport (tennis elbow, for instance) can be relieved with just one treatment.

This patented, revolutionary method of treating injuries and relieving aches and pains can dramatically improve athletic performance—its therapeutic value cannot be overstated. Muscular therapy compliments other treatments. It’s a “non-competing” therapy method that will actually help speed and improve the results of other treatments. In a relatively short time, this therapy helps people recover faster with less pain and offers longer lasting results.

Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and owner of Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy. She is passionate about helping people feel better inside and out. In addition to bringing this patented muscular technology to the Naples area, she enjoys coaching individuals and family to a healthier lifestyle. To make an appointment for Robotic Muscular Therapy or for a free 20-minute health coaching session contact her at 734.308.7105 or [email protected].