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My Reading with Psychic Medium Counselor Agnes Daddona

My Reading with Psychic Medium Counselor Agnes Daddona

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I was about to embark on a journey that would have a profoundly positive impact on my life. I heard about Agnes from my dear friend, who had a wonderful experience with her doing Intuitive Readings and healing grief after the loss of her husband. Connecting with a psychic for the first time felt a little intimidating to me, though. I heard negative things about psychic readers in the past, so it was hard to trust, but my friend convinced me. She said, “Trust me, Agnes is an angel.” I decided to try it. 

Preparing for the Session
I went to Agnes’s website, www.AgnesDaddona.com, and immediately, I felt good. Her site is beautiful and really impressed me. I almost felt like my energy had shifted already! I enjoyed reading Agnes’s story and the details of the Intuitive Reading session. She also does so many other wonderful things in her holistic spa. I got excited about my experience and booked my session for the upcoming Friday.  

I came for my Intuitive Reading a few minutes early with butterflies in my stomach. I opened the door to Agnes’s spa and instantly felt at home. It felt so beautiful and comfortable there. I took my list of questions for Agnes. I was ready. Agnes came out of her room with another client who just had a session with her and gave that woman a big hug. I saw her client was laughing and in a good mood. I immediately thought: “Hopefully, my experience will be similar and not as scary as I think.” 

Agnes greeted me warmly, showed me where the bathroom was, and took me on a little tour of her spa. I felt more grounded after that. She showed me the room where we will be having our session, and I loved the room’s energy!  

The Reading
Agnes started my Intuitive Reading by telling me about the session’s structure and what to expect. She assured me that she works only with light and angels and that she is here to be a channel to help me with my needs. She also told me that my Intuitive Reading is confidential. I felt good and relaxed. 

Agnes then told me a bit about her and mentioned that we would be working with my personal angels. Then she took me on the journey, as she stated, to discover my soul’s history. Agnes revealed some of my past lives and their connection to this lifetime; she told me about my gifts and talents. Everything resonated so deeply with me. We started talking about my soul lessons, and suddenly, something wonderful and unexpected happened. My mom, who is on the other side, came through, which made me cry, but these tears were tears of joy. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to my mom, as she had died suddenly. It was so good to hear from her, and Agnes described details about my mom that she could never have known. My mom loved roses, but for some reason, only the yellow ones. That was her thing, and Agnes picked it up. I knew then that it was my mom! It was a truly remarkable experience. 

Agnes then talked to me about my aura and chakras and told me what was working and what was a bit blocked. She revealed why some of my chakras are blocked, and that made so much sense to me because she started describing situations from my life that I struggle with as if she was reading from my list of questions, even though I hadn’t revealed it to her yet. She even talked about my knee surgery, for which I was preparing myself.  

My Questions for Agnes
Next, I was invited to open my list of questions, many of which she had already answered. We talked about my life, problems, and concerns, and Agnes clarified things for me. She showed me how things connect to my soul agreement and soul lessons. I started crying and didn’t even know why – I believe they were tears of relief. I felt like something heavy had just shifted from my heart, and I could breathe again.

Agnes told me profound healing takes place when we discover our truth and find our soul’s purpose. I was amazed that the same things I looked at in my life seemed so different from my soul perspective. I used to feel guilty because of the past, and suddenly, after Agnes clarified things for me, I felt somehow different. I felt freer. She invited me to talk about my hopes and dreams. I wasn’t prepared for that, but with Agnes’s help, I could discover, as Agnes said, the true needs of my soul.  

As my session continued, Agnes told me we were ready to do angel cards. She gave me the cards so they could absorb my energy, and then she told me to pick my cards myself and that my angels would confirm what we discussed in our reading. I pulled out my first card and almost fainted because it was a card with a message – release guilt! My following cards revealed the need for healing, and that was accurate because of my knee surgery. There was even a card with yellow roses and love, which immediately made me think about my mom. I felt like my angels were talking to me directly. Agnes assured me that they are. I trusted it with all my heart. 

Agnes’s beeper started beeping, and I knew our session was over.

My Experience with Agnes
I felt so fulfilled! 

I told Agnes that I would love my daughter to have a Reading with her and that she lives abroad. Agnes said she works with people worldwide via Zoom or phone and that the reading works the same way since she connects to her client’s angels. I was happy to hear that. I couldn’t wait to tell my daughter about her. I also wanted to share with my friend. 

My psychic reading was undoubtedly a unique experience. Although I was talking to Agnes about my troubles and concerns, the session was positive, and I gained so much inside and still feel much lighter. Agnes told me to drink a lot of water as we also did energy work. She even invited me for a healing session to work on my love life, and I was so grateful for that. I’m looking forward to our next session and changing my life for the better. 

I recommend Agnes to anyone seeking clarity, healing, and creating a positive future. My session was life-changing, and I am incredibly grateful for that.

Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling, is one of the best Psychic/Mediums in New England. The gift of intuition runs in her family for generations. For more than 20 years, Agnes has worked with thousands of people worldwide through Psychic Readings, Mediumship, Channeling Angels, Counseling, Healing, and Teaching in English and Polish. Agnes has transformed many people’s lives to meet their dreams. She continues to solve the most difficult issues when it seems no one else can help.

To book your Intuitive Reading, contact Agnes at: www.AgnesDaddona.com, email at: [email protected], or call 860.941.2667.