
How Light Therapy Changed My Life

How Light Therapy Changed My Life

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Who would have thought we could use something as simple as light to heal ourselves? It sounds too simple and too good to be true, right? However, looking at nature, we see that light is essential in many chemical activities. Light energy affects water temperature, biological processes (such as the relationship between predators and prey), and plant photosynthesis and growth. Light is responsible for all life – for the production of the air that we breathe, the cycles of our oceans, the magnetic fields around our planet, gravity, warmth, and our weather. So, why wouldn’t light be essential in our biological processes and how we heal as well?

How Does Light Therapy Work?
Phototherapy, or light therapy, is now a well-established treatment modality that uses specific wavelengths of light to achieve therapeutic benefits. This new wearable patch technology works on a similar principle, much like the sun’s light energy penetrates the skin and stimulates the synthesis of vitamin D. Using a unique, patented technology based on photobiomodulation (phototherapy), these nontransdermal patches are designed to stimulate upregulation of the body’s regenerative cells to promote healing and well-being. 

This phototherapy technology is a game-changer in transforming the trajectory of aging, especially for the average person who cannot afford – nor wants the invasiveness of – traditional stem cell treatments. Providing a painless and affordable alternative, each quarter-size patch contains organic crystals that interact with body heat to emit specific wavelengths of light when adhered to the skin. This stimulates the upregulation of the body’s regenerative cells to promote healing and well-being. 

How Long Does It Take to Feel the Results?
Your body has innate intelligence, so the regenerative cells are naturally directed to repair what is needed most. That said, you may not feel anything immediately. Some people sleep better or have more energy the first week. Others feel reduced pain levels or notice their skin looks better. Within the first 24 hours, the patch has been shown to upregulate about 5,000 genes to a more optimized state. 

The rule of thumb for significant outcomes is to use the patches daily and at least one month for every decade of age. At 70, you would want to commit to seven months; at 40, four months. Since nothing goes into the body except a frequency signal, this natural stimulation is safe. One caveat could be that if you take medications, you may want to have your doctor carefully monitor you because, typically, your medication needs will decrease as your body functions more and more optimally, restoring you to a more youthful state.

Three years ago, I had no energy and couldn’t even walk half a mile. I started using the light therapy patch, and within two months, I saw a considerable decrease in the brain fog I’d been having. After six months, I felt my energy returning and was able to walk much further. My bloodwork even showed that I was thirteen years younger than my biological age. Now, as I write this article, I’m about to embark on a five-hundred-mile walk in Spain!

Light therapy has helped people avoid surgeries, eliminate pain, and regain their lives. I’ve been awed and inspired by the multitude of situations in which I’ve witnessed people going from the restrictions of being in a wheelchair to being fully mobile and active again. Many studies have even shown improvements to people’s mental and emotional states. One trial that used brain mapping showed that after only six weeks, the brain was calmer and more balanced. These type of changes lead to a decrease in symptoms such as memory issues, depression, anxiety, sleep, and more.

Rejuvenate Your Cells for Better Health
Welcome to a noninvasive, effective way to change the trajectory of aging with a patented technology that is safe, affordable and easy to use.

You can look, feel, perform, and live younger – stem cells are the key! They are a vital part of our immune system that repairs and regenerates damaged cells. And with an easy-to-wear innovation, you can now activate your own stem cells.

Stem cells can transform into almost any cell needed to repair and regenerate damaged cells such as blood cells, skin cells, and liver cells.

The stem cell activation patch stimulates your body’s own stem cells in a completely safe, non-invasive, non-transdermal and cost-effective way.

Feel your best – regardless of age.

  • Sleep better
  • Stay mentally sharp
  • Experience less pain
  • Be vital and active
  • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Speed up wound healing
  • Reverse aging
  • Enhanced athletic performance and recovery
  • Restore a healthy body

Live your life to the fullest, because there’s no time like now!

Caroline Thonon, MBA, certified life and health coach, got very sick when she moved to the US. She started a journey of only eating organic foods and removing all toxins and pesticides from her lifestyle. Now, Caroline is a health and life coach, helping women with food addiction and toxicity reclaim their health, and a business consultant in the holistic industry, bringing awareness to all on how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Call 239.300.3190 or visit: liveyoungertoday.com to learn more.