
Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges

Homeopathy – A Safe, Effective, Non-Toxic Way to Help Your Child’s Mental Health Challenges

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Here in Connecticut we are very much aware of the mental health challenges our children are experiencing given the increased diagnoses of ADHD and Autism and the appointment of special commissions and committees to investigate children’s mental health issues after the tragedy in Sandy Hook. A recent study of a survey published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder among Children with Special Health Care Needs, Visser, et. al., 2015), revealed that of children 4-17 years of age, about 4 in 10 with ADHD were treated with medication alone. And of that group almost 1 in 4 preschoolers were treated with medication alone. This despite the fact that CDC Principal Director IIeana Arias, Ph.D. states, “We do not know what the long-term effects of psychotropic medication are on the developing brains and bodies of little kids,” and recommends that behavioral therapy is the safest ADHD treatment for children under 6.

Parents want to help their children who have emotional and behavioral challenges in a non-harmful way. However, this need is not being fully met by conventional medicine. On the contrary, there is an alarming increase in prescription medication with harmful side effects. Prescription medications for conditions such as ADHD, childhood depression, and anxiety have not been tested on children. The prescriber often has to change dosages and/or type of medication because it is ineffective or the patient is experiencing harmful side effects. Common side effects are tics, insomnia, loss of appetite and stunted growth and in rare cases psychotic breaks. This scenario leads to another medication for the side effect; return trips to the office, increasing parental frustration and a sad, uncomfortable child who starts feeling like there is something really wrong with him or her.

Homeopathy is one of many alternative, natural choices in mental healthcare parents have if they want to try a safer, non-toxic approach. Homeopathy is a 200 year old system that has been extensively researched and is used worldwide by millions of people. It stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself non-toxically and naturally. Unlike prescription medications that suppress the symptoms which return when the medication is stopped, homeopathy works with the individual’s ability to heal itself and resolve the symptoms. Homeopathy treats the child, not the child’s diagnosis. It is highly individualized and addresses each child’s particular symptoms and unique characteristics. For example, three 7-year old girls with severe anxiety will not be given the same homeopathic remedy nor would three 12-year old boys with a diagnosis of ADHD.

If you are a parent and considering homeopathy for your child you might fall into one of these categories: parents who want to start out naturally and are seeking an effective, proven option; parents whose child is on medication but is experiencing harmful side effects and want to change to a natural approach, or parents whose child is on medication which is working but don’t want to continue long term use of prescription medication. It is also important to know that you can start homeopathic treatment if your child is taking prescription medication. There are no known or suspected contraindications or drug interactions.

Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation, mainly on the Internet, about homeopathy. It contributes to anyone’s dilemma regarding their choice in healthcare. And it is particularly difficult for parents with children who have special health care needs.

In the preface to the book, Ritalin Free Kids by Drs. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman, Edward H. Chapman, MD, DHt, former President of the American Institute of Homeopathy, and clinical Instructor at the Harvard University School of Medicine writes, “For those who need support in their struggle with ADHD…..they can be assured from two hundred years’ experience using homeopathic medicine that they are safe. Your conventional doctor may be skeptical if you choose to use homeopathy. Don’t let that stop you…seek assistance from well-trained homeopathic providers who are willing to work with you and your doctors.”

In Connecticut, almost all naturopathic medical doctors (NDs) use homeopathy and some specialize in it. Medical doctors who are licensed homeopathic doctors (MD, DHt) also practice homeopathy but there are only several of them in the State. Highly trained, nationally Certified Classical Homeopaths (CCH) can practice homeopathy in MA, RI and NY but not CT. If you would like to see more access to highly trained homeopaths in CT, please let your State Senator and Representative and members of the Public Health Committee know.

Louise Sanchione is a CCH, ND and a former Special Education Teacher and Consultant. She is the Director of the CT Alliance to Advance Homeopathy. The mission is to raise the public’s understanding and use of homeopathy. Please contact her if you think that homeopathy might be able to help your child’s challenges and you need help in deciding if homeopathy is a right choice in health care for you. Email: [email protected], VM: 413-320-9158