
Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy

Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy

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Plantar fasciitis getting you down? This common complaint of the foot is estimated to affect over 3 million people in the U.S. per year. We all have foot pain from time to time, but this particular condition can be very painful. While for many people an episode can last days or weeks, for some this can become a chronic condition.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis and What Causes It?
Simply put, plantar fasciitis is inflammation in the ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes, causing pain in the heel. This happens due to excessive stretching of the plantar fascia ligament. Plantar fasciitis may be caused by a variety of variables. Things such as overuse, obesity, aging, lack of proper footwear, and walking barefoot are all cited as causes. Interestingly, there is one cause that is almost always overlooked.

One of the largest muscles in the body, which is not even in contact with the plantar fascia, actually contributes to the tension of this ligament in the foot. This muscle, the psoas, is responsible for many functions in the body, not the least of which is to keep our bodies upright!

The Psoas and Plantar Fasciitis
The psoas muscles are located on either side of the body, attaching to the last five vertebrae of the spine and running through the pelvic area to connect to the femur. The psoas is unique in that it is the only muscle that attaches the spine to the lower body. The psoas is usually responsible for back pain, as well.

Issues begin to arise as the psoas muscle becomes shortened over time. The primary reason this happens is that we spend too much time sitting. Our lifestyle today has changed significantly and requires us to sit for prolonged periods, and the seated position causes the large muscles on the front of the body to contract—specifically, the psoas muscle.

This core muscle is used in all torso movement as well as for standing, walking, and running, and it is vital for balance. The psoas muscle is also crucial in our body’s range of motion. As this muscle shortens it pulls on the structure of the body, causing other muscles to become strained. When the psoas shortens it not only causes back pain, but it can cause an anterior pelvic tilt as well.

This unnatural tilt in the hips causes the body to lean forward. As this happens, the muscles in the back of the legs tighten to compensate. This can result in the body involuntarily plantar flexing using the calf muscles. After an extended time in this position, the tension in the calves can lead to Achilles tendon problems or plantar fasciitis as the ligament becomes stretched.

Robotic Therapy Can Help
When the psoas muscle is contracted, no amount of stretching or massage can release it and lengthen it back to its natural shape. However, an innovative robotic muscular therapy technology can correct this imbalance. This non-invasive, passive therapy involves a robotic arm that applies gentle static pressure to a specific area of the muscle at programmed intervals. This light pressure lengthens the muscle fibers back to their proper state, alleviating the tension that the shortened muscle has created.

After releasing the psoas muscle, the muscles of the calf can also be released using robotic therapy. When the calf relaxes and lengthens, the machine can be used directly on the foot to take the pressure off of the ligament. The relief can be amazing and the results long-lasting.

The machine is used with many placements to relieve all types of discomfort. This innovative method of treating injuries and relieving aches and pains can dramatically decrease chronic pain. Once the muscle tissue relaxes and returns to its normal state, waste build-up is released and normal circulation returns, which promotes healing. Improvements in strength, flexibility, range of motion, and posture are all seen with this therapy.

This unique, effective therapy is now available in Naples. If you are in pain, call Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy today. We are happy to explain this technology and discuss how we can help you.

Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy. She is passionate about helping people feel better inside and out. In addition to bringing this patented muscular technology to the Naples area, she enjoys coaching individuals and families toward a healthier lifestyle.

To make an appointment for Robotic Muscular Therapy or for a free 20-minute health coaching session, contact Theresa at 734.308.7105 or [email protected].