
Four Ways to Age Gracefully

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When it comes to anti-aging, the fountain of youth and life extension, we have been bombarded through media with quick fixes, from lotions and potions to Botox and surgery. Rather than focusing on how to mask the aging process, prevention is the true key to aging gracefully.  Although we are all aging with each passing year, treating your body to a healthful lifestyle is the best way to slow the aging process.

Minimum Exercise of 30 Minutes per Day

    The importance of exercise cannot be stressed enough. It is exactly as the quote states, “Bodies in motion stay in motion.”  This does not mean you have to run out and sign up for a marathon, but it does mean you should have physical activity every day. Exercise promotes muscle mass and decreases fat mass, which leads to a leaner physique, toned skin and strength maintenance.
A sedentary lifestyle has been said to be responsible for 1 in 10 deaths worldwide. Not totally surprising is the link between inactivity and obesity. Obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. We can stop this chain of events from coming to fruition by incorporating physical activity into our daily routine.

    No specific workouts are required nor is special equipment needed to meet recommended exercise requirements.  All you need is a little motivation! As little as 30 minutes of walking a day counts towards your exercise requirement; 30 minutes of sustained household chores also counts. So get out your vacuum and get cleaning!

Drink Lots of  Water (At Least Half Your Body Weight in Ounces)

    Dehydration is not only a dangerous condition, but it also can speed the aging process. Every cellular process in the body requires water.  When cells are deprived of water they are less able to perform their functions and can begin to shrivel and shrink. Symptoms of fatigue, headaches and constipation all can be related to a less-than-adequate water intake.  When skin cells become dehydrated, skin wrinkles and dryness can result.

    Water-intake needs vary depending on the size and physical activity of the individual. A rough estimate of the bare minimum amount of water needed in one day is half your body weight in ounces. Things that increase the need for water above the minimum consist of drinking dehydrating beverages, including coffee, soda and alcohol. Aside from certain kidney or heart conditions, there is always a need for water, so cheers to your neighbor and drink to the fountain of youth!

Reduce Stress

    There is more truth than you might think in the saying that stress gives you gray hairs. Chronic stress accelerates the aging process by increasing the release of stress hormones. Stress hormones are meant for short-term use; for example during short illnesses, or during life events, such as when caring for a new baby leads to sleep-deprivation.  When stress hormones are called upon for more than a short period of time, the nutrients needed for proper stress responses become depleted. This means fewer nutrients are available for hair, skin and nail growth.  Chronic stress also weakens the immune system, inhibits short-term memory, and interrupts normal sleep patterns.

    While stress is, unfortunately, inevitable, the way we perceive and react to stress is what makes the difference. Finding a positive spin to a negative situation and being able to laugh though tough times decreases the release of stress hormones.  Having a positive attitude improves your stress response and promotes graceful aging.

Healthy Diet = Healthy Cells = Youthful Skin

    Diet is the number one place to start when it comes to aging gracefully.  What we put in our mouths provides the building blocks for everything in the body, including what shows on the external body. A diet rich in anti-oxidants, healthy fats and minerals leads to healthy cells.

A Healthy Diet Neutralizes Free Radicals

    Anti-oxidants are free-radical scavengers. Free radicals are the product of chemical reactions in the body and are normally neutralized by anti-oxidants before they can create cellular damage.  Toxins from the environment, smoking and pesticides also need to be neutralized as they increase the free-radical burden on the body.  Damage to cells can be seen at the surface level as dull and damaged skin. Foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and minerals provide anti-oxidants. Eating a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables each day supplies a wide array of anti-oxidants.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Promote Skin Health

    Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are, as implied by their name, essential for health.  EFAs of the omega-3 variety are especially important when it comes to aging. Omega-3 EFAs are incorporated into the cellular membranes.  Each cell in the body requires omega-3 fatty acids, which allow the cell membrane to be flexible and fluid, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. A diet low in omega-3 fatty acids promotes the production of ridged and stiff cellular walls which can lead to wrinkles, and to several disease states including cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline.  Omega-3 fatty acids are found, in varying amounts, in fish, nuts and seeds.

You Literally Are What You Eat

    Aging gracefully requires a healthy lifestyle. If you treat your body well, it should treat you well in return. Implementing a moderate exercise regimen, staying hydrated, managing stress, and eating a varied diet all are long-term ways to ensure graceful aging.

    Dr. Ashley Burkman and Dr. Lauren Gouin are a board certified naturopathic physicians at Connecticut Natural Health Specialists, LLC.  They are accepting new patients for their family practice in Manchester, Connecticut. To schedule an appointment, please call (860) 533-0179.