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Flexing: The New Food Attitude!

Flexing: The New Food Attitude!

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As a registered dietitian for over 20 years, I look at food in a very different way. I believe food has always been medicine, and I understand the value of the intricate nutritional detail and synergy that these nutrients have in regard to optimizing our health. I do respect the fact that food plays an important role in our culture, our social life, and our emotional well-being, too. Whether you eat to live or live to eat, as a human being, you always have to have a relationship with your food. After all, you cannot divorce food. We need it to live!

Over the years, I have watched fad diets come and go. High-carb, low-fat; low-fat, high-protein; high-fat, high-protein, low-carb; eat for your blood type, find your right zone, live on cabbage soup, and count those points! There are so many diets out there – no wonder it is so confusing! Whether you prefer vegan or carnivore or follow the SAD diet (Standard American Diet), people seem to try to label themselves with a “diet” so they feel they have some form of identity to their eating.

Find the Style That’s Right for You
What if I challenge that thought? What if I told you that it is better for you not to stick to one style of eating? I like to call it a “flexitarian” style of diet, matching your diet to your metabolic and nutritional needs. A diet style that flows with your body as it changes. What you need nutritionally as an adult is very different than the foods required as a child or a teen. As disease sets in, you may need a specific style of diet to correct the issue. Finding the right style of diet for you can sometimes be tricky if you don’t know how to assess your needs.

The problem with the media is that they hype a diet style or trend that tends to be a one-size-fits-all approach. I firmly believe one diet is not meant for everyone. Depending on where you are and your health journey, whether you are young or mature, metabolically compromised, battling an autoimmune issue, fighting cancer, or trying to achieve sports performance, your style of eating needs to match your health requirements.

Sometimes, adhering to one style of diet over time can actually cause more health risks, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Strictly vegan eating can cause a host of nutritional deficiencies. A keto-style diet can cause a disruption in your gut microbiome from lack of fiber. A high-fat keto diet can also promote inflammation if you’re eating the wrong types of fats.

It’s Time to Flex!
Consider the possibility that there are no “bad” foods (within reason, of course). That as long as you’re getting the nutrients – and macronutrients – you need – you can eat the things you truly enjoy. Can this be true? Is this real life? As long as you’re willing and able to adjust – to flex – to give your body what it needs to stay healthy, it really is possible.

Working with a professional who understands the fundamentals of human nutrition, can do the proper assessment to identify inflammation or nutritional insufficiency, and find imbalances in the body can best guide you on a diet that will heal you and not inflame you. Learning to go in and out of different eating styles also offers flexibility of nutrients, more enjoyment of food, and prevents you from getting into a diet rut.

Eating should be fun and not feel restrictive, dull, or boring! When you find the right style of eating that meets your needs, you will definitely feel better, have more energy, and enjoy a variety and abundance of foods that are meant for you!

Betsy is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian as well as a Certified Diabetes Educator, Integrative and Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapist, and RYT200 yoga teacher. She specializes in nutrigenomics, gut health, food sensitivities, detoxing, inflammatory diseases, and longevity living. She also understands the importance of living a mindful life and incorporates her background in mindfulness and yoga teaching into her practice. Betsy is a professional speaker and advocate for healthy living and is available for individual consultations, group programs, and speaking engagements.

Contact Betsy at: [email protected] or 239.297.8844. To learn more, visit: www.healthyconceptsconsulting.com.