
BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate

BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate

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Why am I offering a seemingly boring product that contains mostly nuts and seeds, with a bit of cacao nibs and an electrolyte version? Maybe I’m “nuts”!

Nuts and seeds are ancient foods our ancestors consumed for thousands of years. I think of them as the “forgotten foods” – yet they fit into every eating style that people adhere to these days. Maybe people are bored with them. Maybe they cause some people to bloat and/or have an upset stomach. Maybe people consider them fattening and full of fat.

Whatever the reason nuts and seeds have become “forgotten foods,” I do know that they’re powerfully healthy and need to make a comeback in a healthy lifestyle! Those I have chosen for BOOSTIE™ are rich in fiber, plant protein, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, polyphenols, a spectrum of vitamin Bs, vitamin E, zinc, omega-3s, and more!

The Journey
My interest in healthful living began with my breast cancer diagnosis when I was 47 years old and premenopausal. I knew that despite the treatment I chose, because of my young age, I had to make dramatic changes to my eating style.

I immediately sought a clean diet and felt comfortable choosing the macrobiotic eating plan. This eating style is organic, mostly plant-based, seasonal, and excludes sugar. No artificial anything was permitted! While following this eating style, I consulted with nutritionists, and I began consuming many vitamins, herbs, and supplements.

When I passed my important five-year mark, I changed from the macrobiotic diet and focused on eating organic fruits and vegetables and antibiotic – and hormone-free proteins. I increased my vitamins and supplements and thought I was doing “the right thing” for myself.

Thankfully, my cancer did not return, but I was getting sick often. I suffered from arthritis, body aches and pains, colds, sinus infections, IBS, and various strange but not life-threatening diseases. I have always believed food is medicine, yet I had been relying on vitamins, herbs, and powdered supplements.

The Transition to Food as Medicine
When I was suffering from a trigger finger (one of the many strange things happening to my body), my holistic veterinarian recommended an energy doctor. With great skepticism, I went for treatment – and Dr. Yang helped me tremendously! She also addressed all the vitamins and supplements I was consuming. She believed I could get all the nutrients I needed from food. Although she gave me little guidance in this area, I started studying the idea – and it would take up far too much space to tell the details of my discovery journey.

What I can say is that the real foods I finally chose as part of my daily eating plan have enabled me to obtain perfect health. I live disease-free, pain-free, vitamin- and supplement-free, and prescription-free, and I do not take over-the-counter meds. I aim to eat nuts, seeds (because they are so nutrient-dense), cacao nibs, and electrolytes daily. This combination reduces inflammation, helps heart health, brain function, digestion, blood sugar, and skin health, and boosts the immune system.

BOOSTIE™ – For Your Health!
One package of BOOSTIE™ is one ounce (in this case, more is not better) of the finest ingredients I can source. Each of the ingredients is purposefully selected and combined to provide both a dense and broad spectrum of nutrients for our body. The magic is in the sprouting! Phytic acid is necessary for nuts and seeds to grow, yet works as an anti-nutrient when consumed.

Phytic acid can also result in bloating and an upset stomach. The sprouting process removes the phytic acid, thereby preventing bloating and tummy aches – but most importantly, renders all the dense nutrients very bioavailable to our body! The sprouting process also removes lectins, a well-known anti-nutrient.

My mission is to make healthful eating easy – BOOSTIE™ does that!

BOOSTIE™ is loose sprouted nuts and seeds, and has more nutrients than ANY other one ounce of food!

And, by the way – it is delicious!

Goldie Rose holds an MS in Special Education/Learning Disabilities. When struck by premenopausal breast cancer thirty years ago, she started on a journey of getting and staying healthy. To her, being healthy means no diseases, no prescriptions, no over-the-counter meds, and zero pain. Her journey led her to a personal food plan that included clean and extremely nutrient-dense food. Her great state of health interested family and friends. BOOSTIE™ is an essential food in her anti-inflammatory daily eating program, and she began packing it, by request, for her family and friends. Desiring good health for all, her company was born.

Visit: www.BoostieYourHealth.com, email: [email protected], or call 800.988.7541 for more information.