
Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

Are You Suffering with Pelvic Pain?

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Every day thousands of women are dealing with chronic pelvic pain. It can be debilitating and difficult to handle on a daily basis. Pelvic pain can occur within the female reproductive organs and also the organs or structures in the surrounding area such as the urinary bladder, bowels, ligaments and muscles. Women who have dealt with any of the following may have pelvic pain.


  • Pelvic surgery of any kind such as: C/Section, laparoscopy, laparotomy, D&C, LEEP, abortion, hysterectomy

  • Vaginal childbirth

  • Amenorrhea (lack of period)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
  • Sexual abuse trauma
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Scar tissue from past sexually transmitted diseases or IUD’s
  • Urinary tract or yeast infection
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

According to CDC reports 5 million women in the US have endometriosis, 1 out of every 10-15 have PCOS, 5% have been treated for PID in their lifetime and 6.7 million women ages 15-44 have impaired fecundity (impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term). Pelvic pain can be due to scaring and adhesions in and around the reproductive organs. This can cause not only pain but also decrease your likelihood of getting pregnant. There are alternatives to medications and surgery. There is an all natural approach that may help called Mercier Therapy™.

Mercier Therapy ™ is a visceral manipulation program that was created by Dr. Jennifer Merciér PhD, naturopathic doctor and midwife in an attempt to help women. It has been utilized by women seeking relief from symptoms caused by dysmenorrhea(painful period), endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, sexual abuse trauma, painful intercourse, scarring or adhesions from previous pelvic surgery or past sexually transmitted diseases, fertility challenges and for pelvic organ health and wellbeing.

What is visceral manipulation?
Visceral manipulation used in Mercier Therapy is based on the work of French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral. It is a therapeutic approach to relieving abnormal tissue tensions and adhesions of and around organs thereby promoting and improving function. Adhesions can form between organs and surrounding tissues and therefore their function will become altered. Altered function creates organ dysfunction. The philosophy of visceral manipulation is that an organ in good health has good movement. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the health within the female pelvis by optimizing mobility and function of organs. Mercier Therapy ™ is done externally through the abdomen and focused specifically on the female reproductive organs and their surrounding structures.

Mercier Therapy ™ not only helps with pelvic pain but has also been shown to help those with fertility challenges. In September 2012, Dr. Jennifer Merciér, a pioneer in women’s health and fertility care, completed a four year evidence-based study that demonstrated an 83% success rate of pregnancy within one year of finishing. The results of her study was published in the Spring 2013 Midwifery Today journal and was presented at the 2013 World Congress of Low Back and Pelvic Pain. She developed The Shared Journey Fertility Program™ which is a gentle and effective approach to conception. It is designed to help you become an integral part of the healing process and on your journey to a healthy pregnancy. The program is purely holistic in nature and does not require the use of medications or surgical procedure. It includes Mercièr Therapy™ to addresses adhesions, scar tissue and the malalignment of the reproductive organs while increasing blood flow and circulation to the pelvic floor.

It also includes books, supplements, instruction/education of ovulation and fertility signs and a year of counseling and consultations. It can be used as a stand alone program or as an adjunct to medically assisted reproductive technologies. As a stand alone program, women may start The Shared Journey Fertility Program™ anytime. Those doing IVF or IUI should plan to begin this pelvic therapy program prior to the start of the stimulated cycle. During the sessions the practitioner works to create balance and mobility in pelvic organs and surrounding ligaments and musculature. The first session provides tangible results.

Jennifer Merciér has also published a book on Mercier Therapy entitled “Women’s Optimal Pelvic Health” and has a documentary film “Fertility The Shared Journey With Mercier Therapy”

The goal of Mercier Therapy™ is that women of all ages from teens through menopause can have an all natural approach to help deal with a multitude of issues regarding pelvic health.

Patricia D. Almeida is the owner of Lotus Center LLC a wellness center specializing in fertility, pregnancy & women’s health. She received her Bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN) and her license in massage therapy (LMT) and has been practicing as a registered nurse and massage therapist caring for the needs of women and their children for 20 years. She also worked as a SAFE nurse caring for the victims of sexual abuse. She is an educator, herbalist, aromatherapist and the only Certified Mercier Therapist in Connecticut and Massachusetts having trained directly with Jennifer Merciér. For more information contact the Lotus Center-Llc for Fertility, Pregnancy & Women’s Health located in old Avon Village at 45 East Main St. Avon, CT 06001, call the office (860) 987-3823 or visit the website www.Lotuscenter-llc.com.