
Age Related Cognitive Decline

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Cognitive decline has come to be expected as we age. The truth is that just because we gain years does not mean we need to lose our memory. With so many products on the market that boast of their brain boosting properties it would be nice to know what best supports brain health and integrity naturally. The following are a few things to keep in mind for long-term cognitive health.


Fighting Free-Radical Oxidation

When the body goes through a process called cellular respiration to produce energy for the body (in the form of ATP), free radicals are produced. Free radicals are considered damaging to the body. Free radicals are neutralized naturally by the anti-oxidants found in healthful foods like fruits and vegetables. Diets that are low in anti-oxidant rich nutrients predispose the body to a toxic burden of these free radicals.

In addition to cellular respiration, outside sources of free radicals are among us continuously. Pesticides, exhaust and solvents in the environment are continuous sources of free radicals the body can be burdened with. Maintaining a diet full of antioxidant rich foods will help to reduce the burden of free radicals in the body. Antioxidant supplementation can be used when exposure to free-radical producing substances is high, like it can be in people who consistently work with chemicals.


Monitor Hormone Balance

When it comes to appropriate hormone balance it is important the entire endocrine system is taken into consideration, including thyroid, adrenal and sex hormone levels. The endocrine system is so interrelated that when one piece begins to show dysfunction there is likely to be dysfunction elsewhere.



Hypothyroidism (low thyroid) is associated with decreased blood flow to the grey matter of the brain, the part of the brain where memories and thoughts are processed. Monitoring thyroid levels routinely can catch hypothyroidism early and the disease can be treated through supplementation and medication.



Blood vessel health depends on an appropriate amount of testosterone. Without testosterone, blood vessel tone can vary from too soft to too rigid, which creates a higher risk of stroke, hypertension or hemorrhage. Any change to the vascular integrity in the brain can lead to lack of oxygen and a corresponding reduction in function.



Estrogen promotes positive mood-supporting neurotransmitter production, including serotonin and acetylcholine. Neurotransmitters are what the brain uses to talk to itself. Estrogen also increases blood flow and nourishment in the form of glucose (sugar) to the brain. When the brain is more nourished it is less likely to succumb to the damaging effects of oxidation from free radicals. Overall, estrogen acts like a protector of brain cells.



High blood pressure, which affects one in four Americans, is a condition to monitor for and prevent. High blood pressure increases an individual’s risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney dysfunction. In addition to other comorbidities, elevated blood pressure can damage blood vessels that supply the brain with vital nutrition. When blood flow to the brain is impeded in any way, cellular damage can occur, leading to or exacerbating dementia-like disorders.



Protein-rich foods contain an amino acid called methionine, which is broken down into the amino acid homocysteine. From there, homocysteine is broken down into the amino acids glutathione and SAMe, both with health-promoting properties including mood elevation and liver detoxification. When the body lacks the cofactors needed to convert homocysteine into health benefiting glutathione and SAMe, homocysteine will build in the system and can create damage to blood vessels due to its oxidative properties. When oxidation reactions occur in the body, free radicals are formed and can degrade tissue. In homocysteine’s case, it’s blood vessels, specifically, that are degraded. Seem intimidating? It’s really just nutritional biochemistry 101!

Damage to blood vessels can compromise the health of the vasculature of the brain, leading to decreased blood flow to the nervous system. When the nervous system cannot be nourished by appropriate blood flow, symptoms of dementia and memory loss can be exacerbated. Elevated homocysteine levels also have been shown to be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

What can be done to promote proper conversion of homocysteine? Ensure you are getting all of the cofactors through diet or supplementation. Specifically, vitamin B12, B6, B2, folic acid, magnesium, and zinc, all of which can be measured through blood work to prevent deficiency.


Low Blood Sugar

Balanced blood sugar improves energy, memory and mood.  We all have experienced the effects of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) at some point.  Lethargy, dizziness, inability to focus, and irritability are just a few of the symptoms of low blood sugar. Consistent low blood sugar can starve the brain of vital nutrition, leading to damage and death of brain cells.


High Blood Sugar

On the other end of the spectrum, consistently elevated blood sugar can have a damaging affect on brain health. Consistently elevated blood sugar can cause red blood cells to become stiff and sticky, making them more able to form a clot and increasing risk of stroke. Small blood vessels that nourish the various lobes of the brain are at a higher risk of damage when blood sugar is elevated.

The best way to maintain a steady blood sugar is through lifestyle. Consistently eating sources of fiber and protein through the day and getting regular exercise will help to improve blood sugar levels and keep them consistent.

With so many ways to improve cognition through natural means, it is worth investigating your risk and taking measures to start preventing cognitive decline now.