
A Real Answer to Chronic Neck and Back Pain?

A Real Answer to Chronic Neck and Back Pain?

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Tired of back pain? Have a “pain in your neck,” literally? You are not alone. 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point. Back and neck pain are the leading cause of work limitations, not to mention restrictions in lifestyle and the things you want to do.

Why are there so many instances of chronic neck and back pain? A lot of it has to do with the way we move our bodies or, rather, how we don’t move our bodies.

The Role of Our Lifestyle in Chronic Pain
As a culture, we now spend most of our time sitting – sitting at the computer, sitting in the car, sitting watching TV. All this sitting causes specific muscles in the body to shorten and tighten, which then strains the back and neck.

Muscle tissue should be pliable and able to move freely to allow us range of motion. (Think of how flexible children are!) As we engage in repetitive motion or certain postures, our muscles contract. Injuries can also cause muscles to shorten. Shortened muscles lose flexibility and become tense, affecting our posture and even pulling bones out of alignment. Contracted muscles inhibit range of motion and athletic performance. If the muscle is over-stretched, strains, tears, and injury can occur.

As we sit, we are affecting the psoas muscle (pronounced so-as, the p is silent). The psoas muscles are located on either side of the body, attaching to the lower part of the spine, continuing through the hip, and connecting to the leg. It is the only muscle that attaches the torso to the legs, making it one of the most important muscles in the body. Generally, low back pain involves the psoas muscle in some way.

This deep-seated core muscle is responsible for many functions. We use our psoas muscle for standing, walking, and running, and it is vital for proper balance and range of motion. When the psoas becomes shortened, it creates a host of problems, including discomfort in the low back and tightness in the hips. A shortened psoas will also throw off your posture.

And it’s not only our psoas muscle that is affected. When using a computer or driving, for example, we’re positioned with our arms in front of our body, mostly in a static position. This affects our pectoral muscles. Even using our phones or working in the kitchen can cause these muscles to contract and shorten over time.

When the pectoral muscles, located on either side of the chest and attached to the shoulder, become tight and short, it causes the shoulders to round. This not only stresses the shoulder joint but also causes tension in the trapezius muscles as well as the neck. The strain it causes on the upper back and neck is significant, and a tight pectoral muscle can also cause injury to the shoulder.

Is There Really a Solution?
Muscles in their natural state are long and pliable, able to move freely, and allow us range of motion. Shortened muscles lose flexibility and create pressure on the joints and nerves. As large muscles like the pectoral muscles and the psoas contract, it is very difficult to release and lengthen them.

Creating sustained pressure is the only way for large muscles like the pectoral muscles and psoas to relax and return to their lengthened state. Manual therapy, such as massage, cannot apply enough sustained pressure to affect the tension in these muscles.

An innovative muscle therapy technology called Robotic Precision Therapy can resolve these issues. This non-invasive, passive therapy involves a robotic arm that applies gentle static pressure to a specific area of the muscle at programmed intervals. Using pressure and vibration, this process lengthens the muscle fibers back to their proper state, correcting imbalances and alleviating the tension on the bone structure and nerves. Once this occurs, it dramatically increases mobility and decreases pain. Symptoms are relieved and increased flexibility is seen in a relatively short time.

Often people see improvement after just one visit. Don’t live with your back or neck pain, thinking there is no solution. Our clients have often tried medication, therapy, injections, and even surgery or have resigned themselves to living with pain. Robotic Muscular Therapy targets the source of the pain instead of treating the symptoms.

We offer a complimentary consultation so clients can learn more about this revolutionary technology. We learn about your condition, and you discover whether this therapy can help you. You truly have nothing to lose – except your pain. Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy. She is passionate about helping people feel better.

To schedule a no-cost consultation or for more information, contact 239.778.6842 or visit: precisionroboticstherapy.com.