
The #1 Muscle Responsible for Back Pain and Sciatica

The #1 Muscle Responsible for Back Pain and Sciatica

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It’s the muscle no one has ever heard of. The mystery muscle. The psoas muscle. People can’t pronounce it, spell it, don’t know where it is and do not understand the major role it plays in the body! (It is pronounced SO-as; the p is silent.)

Why Does This Muscle Matter So Much?
The muscle that most people don’t know about but causes all kinds of issues with the back, hips, glutes, and legs. The psoas muscle might be the most important muscle in the body! It attaches to the lowest thoracic vertebrae and all along the lumbar vertebrae, winding through the pelvis and attaching to the inside of the thigh. It is the only muscle that attaches the legs to the torso. It has a big job to do!

You are able to stand and walk upright in part because the curve of your lower spine bears and transfers the weight above it. The psoas muscle helps create this curve, as it pulls your lumbar vertebrae both forward and down.

The psoas muscle plays another essential role – it is critical for the seemingly simple task of walking. When you are walking, your brain triggers your psoas muscle to move your back leg forward – initiating the alternation between the front and back leg. So each successful step you take is thanks in part to your psoas muscle.

One of the worst things you can do to your psoas muscle is lead a sedentary lifestyle. Long periods of inactivity will result in a contracted psoas muscle. Once this muscle is contracted, you have a problem.

What Happens When the Psoas Contracts?
Shortened muscles put pressure on bones and nerves, causing imbalance and pain and leading to stiffness and reduced mobility. Symptoms can include hip, back, and sciatica pain, tight legs, and a lack of flexibility. These symptoms will become especially apparent in the lower back and hip.

The psoas muscle keeps your hips level, creating the foundation for your torso. It is so strong that it can actually pull your hips out of alignment, creating a pelvic tilt, which is responsible for sciatic pain. When one hip is pulled out of alignment, it causes dysfunction in the back at the sacroiliac joint (SI), where the sciatic nerve runs. This can cause debilitating pain, which can shoot down into the glute and even into the leg.

Of course, psoas injury does not end there. Some people may also experience issues with this muscle as a result of a variety of problems. These include strain, spasms, tendonitis, contractures, and more.

Herniated discs, bulging discs, and compression can also be the result of a contracted psoas muscle. As the muscle tightens, it shortens, compressing discs and putting pressure on vertebrae. Spinal compression can cause weakness, pain, and numbness in the legs as well as back pain.

Robotic Precision Therapy to the Rescue!
So why doesn’t anyone talk about the psoas? Possibly because once it is tight and putting pressure on the spine and pelvis, there isn’t much that could be done about it. The psoas is such a large muscle that it is almost impossible to release and lengthen once it is contracted – that is, until robotic precision therapy created technology that specializes in relaxing the psoas muscle and resolving pain.

That’s what sets robotic muscle therapy apart. It can not only access the psoas muscle; it can deeply relax the muscle, which causes the muscle to give up its contraction. Once the muscle does this, tight fibers unwind and lengthen. As the psoas lengthens back to its original state, it allows the hips to come back into alignment and the spine naturally decompresses, allowing for space between vertebrae and alleviating pressure on discs and nerves.

This natural decompression is long-term because the source of the problem, the psoas, has been addressed. Once this happens, the spine, joints, and nerves are no longer under pressure, and pain is relieved and often resolved. Sciatica, even long-standing sciatica, is often resolved in just a few sessions.

If you have some of these symptoms or have back, hip, or leg pain, this revolutionary therapy is what you have been looking for. Most of our clients have tried multiple therapies before finding us. With an over ninety percent success rate, it is certainly worth a consultation.

As one of our regular clients has said, “I always knew there was a reason I didn’t hold chiropractic adjustments, and the benefits of massage didn’t last long, and no amount of stretching was enough! Why didn’t anyone ever tell me about the psoas muscle? You need to tell everyone about the psoas and all the problems it causes and how robotic therapy solves them.”

We offer a complimentary consultation so clients can learn more about this revolutionary technology. We learn about your condition, and you discover whether this therapy can help you. You truly have nothing to lose – except your pain. Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Naples Robotic Pain Relief. She is passionate about helping people feel better.

To schedule a no-cost consultation or for more information, contact 239.778.6842 or visit: naplesroboticpainrelief.com.