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Turbo-Charged Hypno-Coaching: Leveraging The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Turbo-Charged Hypno-Coaching: Leveraging The Power of the Subconscious Mind

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I can’t think of a single highly successful person who hasn’t benefitted from coaching. Every world-class athlete at the Olympic games had a coach. High-level executives utilize Executive or Business coaches. People who are invested in making their lives or careers the best they can be all hire coaches. Even something as basic as an objective perspective is worth the investment. Coaching gives us the ability to see our lives or business from a different perspective; one that we don’t normally have because we’re too close to the issue and our vision becomes distorted. Coaching can present a different way of doing things and help us get out of the old groove that’s taking us around in the same old circles.

There are coaches for everything; athletics, acting, finances, parenting, life, career; you name it there’s a coach for it, which is fantastic. And, just like any profession there are some wonderful, highly motivated and invested coaches, and some not so wonderful coaches. I’ve had both and a great coach is priceless; a not so great coach can actually set your progress back, so be sure to exercise your due diligence.

Most coaching is conscious level coaching; which is OK, but as the conscious mind comprises about 10% of our mental capacity it’s far from what it could be. Hypno-Coaching utilizes the subconscious mind, that other 90% of our mental capacity. Here are the 5 key elements of a powerful Hypno-Coaching process.

Step 1: Define “The Goal”

In hypno-coaching we’re dealing with the subconscious mind, which is a very goal-oriented part of our mind, so it’s crucial to set a goal. Without a goal it’s like heading cross-country or into foreign territory without plugging our destination into the GPS.

Most people come in and say something like; “I want to get that promotion, I want to grow the company, I want to make more money, I want to shave points or time off my score.” And as their coach I ask; “Why?” Whether they know it or not, the subconscious answer is “Because then I’ll be good enough.” These are ego, fear-based goals. Goals that we think once we’ve achieved will provide the feelings of safety and security we’re subconsciously craving. Unfortunately “good enough” cannot be achieved with a title, more money in our bank account or fancier stuff.

Fear-based goals are not going to get us what we truly want, which is a sense of fulfillment that only comes when we’re on our right and true path. As a coach I’m going to dig a lot deeper than the surface, and not settle for anything less than finding the heart and soul goals. The ones that start generating feelings of excitement and well-being just by being identified. The ones that are in alignment with who you truly are, why you’re here and what you’re intended to contribute. The ones that feel great throughout the process of achievement, and once achieved feel like the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s possible. Fear-based goals drain us; heart and soul-based goals feed us.

Step 2: Benefits & Motivations

As humans we instinctively move toward pleasure and away from pain so we need to identify all the benefits of achievement, not just for you, but for others; whether it’s humanity as a whole, all the support personnel in a company, people that will benefit from a product, etc. The more people that will benefit from you achieving your goal, the more source energy you’ll have supporting it. We need to make the carrot really big.

Step 3: Clear the Blocks

If you haven’t achieved something, it’s not because you can’t, it’s because you have internal blocks, otherwise known as fears, that have been holding you back like a dam holding back the flow of a river. Blocks can be comprised of limiting thoughts, negative beliefs, old emotional residue, physical trauma or any uncleared fear. Fortunately, the subconscious mind, which is the part of the mind leveraged during the hypnosis portion of the hypno-coaching process, can not only locate these blocks but clear them very quickly and easily – something that conscious level coaching can’t do.

Step 4: Create The Path

I intentionally use the word create when it comes to laying down the path to heart/soul success. When we come up with a surface mind or fear-driven goal, we find that there have been paths laid by the logic of those who have come before us. When we identify a heart/soul goal, we need to create a unique path because no one’s heart and soul will align exactly like ours. If you think about the greatest of the great – they laid down their own paths. Einstein (who utilized hypnosis on a regular basis by the way), Edison, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Steven Hawkins, and so on, all aligned with the needs of their heart and soul and created their own unique paths to get there. They colored outside the lines to create the masterpiece of their lives and their huge contributions.

Step 5: Set The Time Parameters

Try this on for size. The next time you have a task, firmly decide when it’s going to be done – to the minute. When we firmly decide, leaving no grey room, the universe supports that decision and with few exceptions the task will be completed in the time we’ve allotted. If we set wide or loose parameters the task will fill the time we’ve allotted and if we don’t set time parameters the task can take forever to complete.

So, once the path has been laid, and the exact stops along the way have been identified we, as a team decide exactly how long it’s going to take to achieve each sub-goal along the way. If there are instances where something didn’t get done, we look for, find and clear the block that prevented its achievement and move onto the next.

As you can see, the hypno-coaching process is well laid out and utilizes the power and precision of the subconscious mind.

Lisa Zaccheo, MA, BCH, BC” is the owner, lead hypnotist and hypnosis instructor at Mind Matters Hypnosis Centers in Avon, Guilford and North Branford, CT. She is Board Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and has numerous additional certifications in all aspects of hypnosis and the subconscious. In addition, she’s a trance-formational speaker, high-level Executive Hypno-Coach and author of Free Your Genius. For more information, or to schedule a free consultation call Mind Matters Hypnosis Center at (860) 693-6448 or visit: MindMattersHypnosis.com.