
Trauma: A Spiritual Awakening

Trauma: A Spiritual Awakening

Essential Oils to Reclaim Your Healthspan
Can You Rewrite Your Story About Fear?
The Community Experience at Mystical Bookshop

A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the Elixir of Truth.
~ Rumi

As I hold her heart, I whisper in her ear: “Don’t hold back the tears, let them wash the deep wound of your heart.” In a moment the flood gates open and the emotions of deep pain, shame, despair, and anger come rushing in. We take a long deep breath and pause. Within the pause is a sigh of relief, a calmness and a doorway that reflects a hint of light. As she lets out another long breath, I encourage her to feel all of it. “Don’t hold back. Allow yourself to feel so you can let go of the deep wound you have been carrying all your life. This wound has held you back from living a life of love, intimacy, and purpose.” She opens and receives the gifts of breath, life, and love.

Where does trauma live in our bodies? Why are we being shown the importance of healing this wound that weaves through all our lives? Most of us are living in a chronic state of freeze—trauma gets held in the subconscious state, so we are not always aware it is there. It affects every part of our biology down to the cellular level, creating blockages in the energetic field and in the subtle heart where we connect to the Divine.

Growing through Trauma
As I reflect on my own trauma with which I came into this world, I can say from the depth of my soul that the journey I took to get to this place of deep healing and connection has been the biggest gift of my life. My deep desire to know myself and my purpose is what kept me seeking and searching for answers, for a deeper understanding of life, death, and the Divine.

We all have had trauma in our lives, and most of us are not even aware how it still affects us on a day-to-day basis. Eventually, it begins to affect our health, our relationships, and our work in the world. As a bodyworker and a spiritual healer for 28 years, I have learned from my own wounding and the wounds of my clients how trauma is held within the many layers of a person’s body, heart, and spirit. Each layer we purify brings us closer to the core of our truth and purpose in life.

All prophets, messengers, and realized beings, such as Buddhist monks and Zen masters, have had many challenges that molded them into who they became. They would not have had the capacity to achieve their status without the many difficult trials they had to face in their lives. We can all learn from the resilience, strength, and fortitude that come from the trials of life that we all must endure. By changing our beliefs—by facing our shadow side as a gift instead of something to avoid or feel shame about—we can evolve into who we were created to be, and we can begin to heal the patterns of trauma that are so prevalent in our time. Trauma is not an invitation to become a victim, but an opportunity for spiritual awakening.

For the Greater Good
Through clinical studies, research in the field of psychology, and somatic work, we are now beginning to understand how trauma gets passed down through the generations and the collective consciousness. This knowledge is the doorway that can begin to heal the pain and suffering that has plagued our lives and our society for thousands of years. This paradigm shift is what will heal past generations, future generations, and our present lives. As a mother and grandmother, I can only pray that we understand the responsibility that each one of us has and will therefore contribute to not just ourselves, but to the good of the whole.

When we look at the whole of humanity and the state of consciousness, we see people suffering with addiction and dis-ease; living in darkness and despair; feeling isolated, cut off, and disassociated. Trauma blocks our light, shuts us down, and creates dis-ease in the body, mind, and spirit. Working through the blockages of trauma helps us live a life full of potential, creativity, and connection. This journey takes courage and a deep desire to know ourselves, a place of deep yearning to know our truth and purpose.

As women, we know innately what is needed to heal the wounds of the many, our children, and the Earth. This work is meant to be done together as one heart, one community, and one sisterhood. This work is for the future generations, our children, and all of creation. It’s time we come together, mend our broken hearts, and bring our gift of divine feminine wisdom that is innate in each of us. As the beautiful African proverb says, “It takes a village.”

Michele Rabinowitz is a myofascial release bodyworker and a spiritual healer. Her passion is helping women heal the deep roots of their wounds, hearts and spirit. She has a private practice at Integrative Health Center of Maine, Cumberland, Maine, where she offers bodywork and healings. Michele also has a virtual practice where she offers Sufi healings and classes. She can be reached at: [email protected], or visit her at: www.MicheleHamida.com.