
Toxic World Part 2: The Scary Statistics

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My previous article on toxicity (Scary Statistics) reviewed some horrifying information about the prevalence of toxins in our environment and the damage they can cause. This second section of the article provides more information about the copious amounts of easily accessed poisons, and what you can do to avoid them.

Phthalates are common toxins. These synthetic chemicals are primarily a part of plastic production. Phthalates give plastic flexibility and resilience. Unfortunately, they are NOT chemically bound to the plastics, so they easily release into the environment and get into you. Heat is a common cause of their release from plastic. Have you ever left your water bottle in the car in the summer? Doesn’t it taste funny, almost slimy? That’s the taste of phthalates. When you microwave in plastic containers, or plastic baby bottles, does your food taste different? That’s the phthalates.

These toxic substances also are in adhesives, detergents, flooring, raincoats, cleaning products, food packaging, household furnishings, cosmetics, shampoos, fragrances, plastic bags, children’s toys, pharmaceuticals, and garden hoses. They are in plastic wrap, poultry and eggs, hair gels, tomatoes, potatoes, and because they’re so ubiquitous, you can find them in house dust!

While phthalates are rapidly cleared from the body (in healthy people, they usually leave within 24 hours), they do cause damage when we are constantly exposed to them on a daily basis. Phthalates cause infertility, reduce sperm motility, cause uterine fibroids and endometriosis, and increase the risk of breast cancer.

A study done in 295 children born in New York City found that the higher the phthalate levels in the mother, the lower the quality of alertness in their children . Another study revealed that children with the most exposure to prenatal phthalates had the most aggression, attention problems, depression, and emotional control. Phthalates also cause weight gain, as the most recent NHANES study showed men with phthalates had increased waist circumference and increased insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.

So what can you do to stop it all? A simple 5-day vegetarian diet, using no cosmetics, and the most natural of personal cleaning products can drop levels of phthalates significantly. Permanently change your plastic water bottles to glass bottles from a filtered tap. Reverse osmosis is one of the best water filtration systems, but you also get what you pay for. Pick up a copy of the book, Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. Avoid indoor air when you are off-gassing new carpets and new furniture. Check for mold in your house. Get air filters with MERV7 or higher, such as IQ Air or Blue Air.

Supplementation for detoxification should be supervised by a naturopathic physician or other medical expert in detoxification. Add cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onion, green tea, and Chlorella to your diet:. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll feel better!

Dr. Jared Skowron is a DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) certified doctor and author. His practice specializes in treating kids on the autism spectrum to help them speak, sleep, socialize, and mainstream into school. More information and insurance coverage on his website, www.NaturopathicAnswer.com.