
The Rise of Unexplained Infertility

The Rise of Unexplained Infertility

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Recently the media has become saturated with stories proclaiming the rise of “unexplained infertility” and our increasing “need” for medical intervention. It is now unfortunate but common belief that it’s just not easy to have a baby.

According to infertility expert Sherman J. Sibier, M.D. of the infertility Center of St. Louis (St. Luke’s Hospital, Missouri), we are in the midst of a worldwide infertility epidemic. Studies show that not only can hypnosis double the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is an efficacious and timesaving treatment for Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA – missed menstrual periods), and is, among other things, effective for childbirth related issues such as pain control and shortening of labor. Specific hypnotic procedures complement both natural and medically assisted fertility and birth.

Women may become preoccupied with becoming pregnant and prematurely rush in for medical testing. The stress brought on by this invasive protocol alone is enough to impede the natural process. At the present time women aged 35 and up are immediately considered “high risk.” Hearing these words is often enough to cause women devastating emotional upset and seriously increase their already soaring stress levels. Stress hormones simply do not contribute to an environment positive for conceiving.

The Stress Cycle

The hypothalamus – the neuro center located at the base of the brain and linked to the pituitary gland, controls the flow of hormones in the body and is sensitive to stress and acts as a bridge between the emotional and physical, turning emotional messages into physical responses that impact hormone levels.

When you think of a stressor whether it is conscious or subconscious, your brain secretes corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) which in turn releases Cortisol, the master stress hormone. When these hormone levels are high women are less likely to conceive and more likely to miscarry.

In lay terms, if you are stressed trying to get pregnant, you increase the stress hormones; in turn the body protects you from getting pregnant. It’s giving the body a message that it is not the right time.

Almost everyone knows of a friend or acquaintance that had tried for years to get pregnant with nothing but disappointment. Yet, as soon as they were successful in adopting a child they became pregnant. There is an obvious reason for this.


Whether a woman has a physiological impediment or has been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” fertility hypnosis may be the missing link that will help them achieve conception. Many women are experiencing infertility due to physiological issues. Hypnosis can help with these issues in many ways including stress reduction and as a direct complement to medical procedures. Subconscious blocks are often shown to be the cause of infertility whether there is a physiological cause or not. Unresolved issues can interfere with conception.

Men often have subconscious blocks similar to those women experience. In other words the emotional strain and stress a couple endures during a year of infertility testing and medical procedures, appears to have serious impact. We often forget, that men may have unresolved issues involving previous pregnancy or abortion. There are many scenarios, which may have occurred causing his subconscious mind to put up a protective block, which can interfere with conception. Perhaps previous partners having an abortion when he really wanted a child have devastated him. He may be concerned with repeating abusive behavior stemming from his own childhood experience. In these cases, hypnotic resolution can effect conception (low sperm count) just as it does when addressing issues of the female.

Hypnosis is an outstanding and proven method of reducing or eliminating stress. Fertility by hypnosis takes hypnosis a step further as it’s a program designed specifically for fertility.

How can hypnosis help unexplained fertility?

Stress and lack of confidence tend to be the top culprits that must be addressed with hypnosis for “unexplained infertility.” Many couples have lost faith in the natural process of conception and maintain too strong a conviction in the need for medical assistance. And with more and more women in high stress jobs, it’s really no wonder that conception doesn’t always occur immediately (disastrous in our want-it-right-now culture).

Fertility by hypnosis literally applies powerful hypnotic techniques to enhance the mind/body connection which studies have shown to greatly enhance the success of both natural and medically assisted fertility. Hypnosis goes beyond simple relaxation methods and those who have experienced hypnosis for fertility can easily recognize the distinction. Hypnosis supports conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond, and has been utilized for various issues, including these for centuries.

Most of the clients who come in for hypnotherapy have already seen a physician, often having received the “unexplained infertility” diagnosis. Many of these women are undergoing acupuncture, and, as you may be aware, acupuncture is widely accepted for the treatment of infertility. In fact, many reproductive endocrinologists will refer their patients to an acupuncturist to complement the IVF process. Hypnosis is a powerful adjunct to acupuncture, as well as any or all other fertility treatments and the combination of these methods can effectively accelerate the fertility process – whether natural or medically assisted.

As all hypnosis is technically self-hypnosis, the Certified Fertility by Hypnosis Consultant functions as a type of guide. Self-hypnosis, like meditation, is a highly effective method for reducing stress and creating inner calm, however, a skilled professional trained in Fertility by Hypnosis methods is required to facilitate some of the deeper work necessary for the successful outcome of either natural or medically assisted fertility.

Many people dealing with infertility are tired of being told to “just relax.” That is about the equivalent of an insomniac being told to “just go to sleep.” You don’t have to relax to benefit from hypnosis, nor do you have to totally quiet your mind. Your Fertility by Hypnosis consultant is trained to facilitate a calming environment for you, where you can access the rejuvenating properties of your parasympathetic nervous system. All you have to do is breathe.

During the hypnotic state there is a physiological change that occurs in the brain, which basically balances the two hemispheres of the brain, strengthening communication pathways between them. This makes you more receptive to suggestions for change. Suggestions are given in the form of imagery, pictures, patterns and emotion, and are created based on information provided by the patient during an intake session. The hypnotherapist does not have control of your mind, and you will not concede to a suggestion that is against your will. Often a lot of the work done by a Fertility Consultant is actually more of a “dehypnotizing” process. The reason is that your critical factor may be bypassed often during daily life without your being aware of it, resulting sometimes in formidable subconscious blocks.

We know that a range of medical options are available to help conquer infertility problems, however, despite the progress that has been made in the treatment of infertility, the success rate for those who undergo high-tech procedures is currently only about 20%.

Connecticut Hypnotheraphy can double your chances of success. Studies indicate that infertile women and men utilizing mind/body techniques have a 42-55% conception rate as compared to those not using these techniques. Stress is the main factor preventing conception and the mind/body experience can correct that blockage.

Dr. Gilmour, B.S.N., R.N., C.C.H. is a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Board Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Hypnosis for Fertility and Hypnobirthing. She is the Scottish Regional trainer/Director and trainer for the East Coast U.S.A. for the Hypno Fertility Foundation based in Colorado. In March of 2011 Dr. Gilmour presented at the First World Conference on Unexplained Infertility in Chicago.