
Take the 31 Day De-Cluttering Challenge!

Take the 31 Day De-Cluttering Challenge!

Calling All Men… Are you STRESSED OUT?
True Inventiveness at Artisan Restaurant in Southport
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Do you know what the “Health Epidemic of the 21st Century” is according to the World Health Organization? It is stress. We are in a health crisis because of the stress that so many individuals are under. Stress has such negative effects on our heath and it is something that needs to be addressed if you are suffering from it and are on overload. Don’t just live with it. As I tell my clients, “Don’t let it be your friend.” Because your friend it is not. Sometimes we get so used to it that we think it’s part of life. We let our days be so busy that we are not paying attention to the body symptoms of stress. Then when we go to sleep at night and our body is at rest, it can’t be. The stress is still there and bubbling its ugly head. This is where insomnia can come into play.

Stress can be caused by a number of factors in our lives. But an interesting one is “clutter.” A study was done a few years ago by Southern California and UCLA Psychology Professor Rena Preetti. She found that women who lived in the midst of clutter have high cortisol levels. The interesting thing was the men that lived with them didn’t.

Effects of Living With High Cortisol

  • Suppressed immunity
  • Hypertension
  • High blood sugar (hyperglycemia)
  • Insulin resistance
  • Carbohydrate cravings
  • Metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Fat deposits on the face, neck, and belly
  • Bone loss

Many who realize that the clutter is affecting their lives and hence their health find it overwhelming to begin the process, let alone tackle it on their own. Others think it’s no big deal. But I tell them they are deceived. They don’t realize how the clutter is affecting them because I tell them it’s not like a truck drove up to their home one day and dumped all the clutter at once inside. It happened gradually. So gradually you “think” you have gotten used to it and it doesn’t bother you. But when I’ve begun a de-cluttering process with these clients, they are calling me at night telling me how happy they are and how wonderful it feels to be in that particular room without all the clutter. There is definitely a peace in that room.

For some a big de-cluttering project is overwhelming for them. Or they just don’t have the time to tackle the massiveness of the project. No worries. You can begin the de-cluttering project with small baby steps. Then over time you’ll be amazed at what you’ve accomplished.

To help you with some de-cluttering for the next 31 days, I have a challenge for you. Here is a list of 31 items you can probably remove from your home … quick and easily.

Let’s have a “31 Day De-Cluttering Challenge” for the Month of January 2019.

  1. Old curlers
  2. Old Tupperware
  3. Worn out sheets
  4. Frayed towels
  5. Broken down boxes (you think you’ll use one day)
  6. Books you’ll never read
  7. Expired medications
  8. Thick nail polish
  9. Old makeup
  10. Broken or old glasses/sunglasses
  11. Worn out hair ties
  12. Old magazines
  13. Old cell phones
  14. DVDs you won’t watch or watched and didn’t enjoy
  15. T-shirts promoting others businesses
  16. Product samples (especially the ones from hotels)
  17. Electronics no longer working or no longer used
  18. Old cleaning supplies not used
  19. Scraps of wrapping paper
  20. Christmas decorations you never use but think you might “next Christmas”
  21. Kids plastic cups from fast food restaurants
  22. Sets of silverware you don’t need
  23. Excess umbrellas (especially if they are broken)
  24. Toys that are broken and/or not played with any longer
  25. Framed pictures (unhung)
  26. Old cameras
  27. Worn belts
  28. Excess coolers
  29. Games that have pieces missing or no longer played
  30. Excess extension cords or old extension cords
  31. Old TVs

So how about it? Do you want to take the challenge? Go for it. Contact me and let me know you are in. Then at the end of the month, send me the list of what you got rid of. The one(s) with the most gone will get a reward!!! You can email me at [email protected] and put in the Subject “I’m In.” Then I’ll send you the next steps, and encouragement along the way.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Feel free to contact me at: [email protected] or 860-874-8515 or check out my website at: www.ReginaSanchez.com

Regina Sanchez is a Certified Health, Wellness & Organizational Coach who has been coaching clients since 2013. She works as a peace maker, chaos eliminator and life giver. As a Health, Wellness and Organizational Coach, Regina helps people transform their health and their living space into something that will enhance their life and their purpose.