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Never before has it been more challenging to restore and maintain one’s health. To stay fit is not only expensive but challenging as well. We are bombarded with a plethora of diet plans, exercise regimes and health practitioners who promise us the world. It is now that we must get back to the basics and use our common sense especially with food choices.

Foods today are more contaminated than ever before. We must select only the highest quality foods possible. Even then, we must read the ingredients and make sure manufacturers haven’t added harmful, untested chemicals and additives. When you start to focus on ingredients, it seems as though high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is in everything. High fructose corn syrup has become the sweetener of choice because the government subsidizes corn, and production quotas and import tariffs on sugar, have made it less expensive. It can also be made sweeter than sugar, making it more appealing.   This dangerous additive is approved by the FDA, even though it has been implicated in numerous inflammatory disease processes such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, gout, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease.   It has also been linked to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, systemic lupus, and insulin-dependent diabetes. HFCS is dangerous to your health and is found in many refined-carbohydrates. These foods are consumed by many Americans and it is no wonder most of our population is overweight and unhealthy.

The time is now to transition to a low carbohydrate diet, mainly consisting of high quality fats and proteins. The average American diet is mostly carbohydrate based (pastas, breads, sweets, chips), which when ingested, are the easiest foods for your body to digest. They provide quick energy.   When you reduce these in your diet, the body must then look for another source of energy. This leaves either protein or fat, which are more difficult to assimilate. The body prefers fat and leaves the protein for repair and building. Thus, when you reduce your carbohydrates the body slowly transitions to burning its own fat for energy, this process is called ketosis.   This is why diets that restrict carbohydrates in fact work. The body is an amazing machine and will always attempt to restore balance and function. When we reduce our carbohydrates, the body has withdrawals and the urges to consume carbohydrates become intense. During the transition of going from a high carbohydrate to a low carbohydrate diet, we need to assist the body and make the process easier. You can do this by adding high quality fats into your diet, which makes the transition go faster and easier. These high quality fats are products such as high grade fish oil, coconut oil, and flax oil. These will help you overcome the discomfort associated with getting off refined carbohydrates and speed up the process of losing weight by getting your body geared for burning fat for energy. To assist in this process and redirect your diet, make your breakfast count. I routinely consume a protein/power shake in the morning and recommend that you do too. My shake consists of 6 ounces of pomegranate juice, 2 tablespoons lecithin, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed, 1 tablespoon greens powder, 1 tablespoon fish oil, 2 scoops whey protein, 1 tablespoon bee pollen, and ½ cup of frozen blueberries. Blend and enjoy a nutritious and complete breakfast. Please note the body requires consistency, so drink this shake everyday for 30 days and you will experience changes in your energy level, weight loss and over all well being. Various studies continue to show that a breakfast high in protein creates a feeling of fullness and lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormone as compared to a breakfast lower in protein. If you drink this shake between 6-7 AM, you may get hungry around 10-11 AM. This is when you must control what you eat. Avoid low quality refined carbohydrates and snack on walnuts or perhaps a non-fat Greek yogurt.

Another effective activity to lose weight is proper exercise. Please understand that aerobic and anaerobic exercise is both important to a healthy and functioning body. However, it is found that the body burns more fat with anaerobic exercise such as weight-lifting or resistance training. It has been shown that anaerobic exercise burns five to seven times the calories as aerobic exercise. This occurs mostly after the exercise is performed and is called the metabolic after burn. If weight lifting is not something you feel comfortable with, try increasing your intensity in whatever exercise you do. Change up your program often and alter your speed if you walk or run. When it comes to exercise the body prefers change and not the same old routines.

On the bright side, more and more people are exploring healthier habits. Today most people want a better quality of life and are willing to go the extra mile to assure proper health. A positive and consistent approach will bring you to a new level of wellness.

Submitted by Dr. Patrick DeFrancesco of the Chiropractic Health Center of Glastonbury, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT.