
Supplements and Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Supplements and Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Addressing Underlying Medical Conditions in Autism
Autism and Allergies, What’s the Link?
Integrative Manual Therapy and Nutritional Wellness for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism. It’s growing and growing. In October 2009, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics published a study saying that 1 in 58 boys, and 1 in 91 of all children are on the autism spectrum (ASD). Why so many? Why so fast? More importantly, what do we do about it?

When I was in medical school, we didn’t even learn about autism. Back in the twentieth century, it was rarely known and rarely discussed, but now almost everyone has a child or knows someone who has a child on the autism spectrum. 1 in 58 boys is almost 2% of boys! The CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates 730,000 of children between the ages of 0 and 21 in the USA currently have ASD.

This is starting an upheaval in families, school systems, and health care systems. It strains families that did not plan or expect to change their entire life to take care of this child. What happens when these kids grow up in 20 years, and their parents are unable to take care of them? If we have not found a cure by then, there will be a lot of people who need care and housing and help.

So why did this happen? Nobody knows for sure, and nobody wants to be blamed. Toxins and genetics are on the radar for causing autism, as well as vaccines. While it is not a genetic condition, there is definitely an increased risk among siblings to be on the autism spectrum. It can get confusing though, because toxic substances, such as mercury and pesticides have been linked with autism. If families are exposed to these substances, then all the children are exposed to them. So are there increased risks among siblings because of the genes or because of the environment they live in? Nature or nurture…it’s tough sometimes to tell.

What’s most important is what do you do if you think your child may be affected, and what do we do when you know your child is affected. If you think your child isn’t speaking when they should, making eye contact when they should, or walking when they should, consult your pediatrician and talk with Connecticut Birth Two Three System (800-505-7000 and www.birth23.org). They will help guide you through diagnosis and obtaining state services if need be. Connecticut Children’s Medical Center’s (CCMC) Autism Spectrum Assessment Program (ASAP) is also a wonderful resource to obtain a diagnosis.

Once you’re there, what can you do to help your child as much as possible? I cannot say this enough to parents; do everything you can right away. Don’t wait. Don’t hope they’ll grow out of it. Because they probably won’t. Get as much treatment as possible while their minds are still growing and changing.

My focus of treatment is functional and biomedical approaches under the umbrella of the Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) organization. Functional medicine consists of natural therapies that help the brain function better. Biomedical medicine includes natural medicines that help the biology of the body function properly. This sounds very philosophical on the forefront, but in actuality what I give my patients everyday are the fuels their brain needs to work efficiently. Your car runs on gas, oil, coolant, etc. The gas is ignited in the engine, converted to a gas, to push the pistons and the tires. Your brain runs on proteins, vitamins, minerals, and oils, which are converted into brain chemicals, such as serotonin, GABA, and dopamine.

Does your child have everything they need to fuel their brain? Do they eat all of their proteins, vitamins, minerals, and oils to get the fuel they need everyday? A concern with kids on the spectrum is that they’re very picky eaters. If only chicken nuggets and mac & cheese were the health panacea for us all. Getting neurotypical children to eat vegetables is hard enough, but getting kids with autism to eat healthy is even more difficult.

Every child on the autism spectrum is different, hence the term, ‘spectrum’. All of their insides are different. All of their brains are different. This is part of the reason why treating autism is difficult; there’s not one answer. In my practice, I test every child for things you may not have imagined could be analyzed. This includes brain chemical levels, mercury levels, vitamin levels, candida in the intestines, specific proteins that make neurotransmitters (fuel of the brain), and more. Each child comes back with different results and that gives us different treatment solutions for each child. We easily supplement with natural nutrients and other natural therapies to address the child’s unique state of health and wellness. Below is a list of commonly used supplements for children on the autism spectrum.




Amino Acids

Proteins from meat, chicken, turkey, fish, nuts, and beans are made of tiny building blocks called amino acids. These are extremely important as they are used to construct large substances in the body. Parts of every cell, parts of hormones, and most importantly in autism, our brain chemicals. Serotonin is made from tryptophan, dopamine is made form phenylalanine, GABA is made from theanine. If your child isn’t eating enough protein or your child isn’t digesting the protein, then they won’t have the fuel to build brain chemicals. Altered neurotransmitters affect their mood, sensation, and learning abilities.

5-HTP – 5-Hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid metabolite that is created from the amino acid tryptophan. It converts to the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin. It can be used to help insomnia, hyperactivity, or sadness. Some people may experience headaches from 5-HTP. Consult your naturopathic physician if you plan to take it at the same time as SSRI medications.

Arginine – Arginine is an amino acid that is beneficial for your blood vessels as well as detoxification. It causes small blood vessels to dilate, bringing more blood to certain areas, such as the brain by converting to nitric oxide. This may improve cognition in children.

Carnitine – Two forms of carnitine exist as supplements: L-carnitine and Acetyl-L-carnitine. The Acetyl-L-carnitine form seems to work better for neurological concerns like autism. Carnitine also helps break down fat for energy.

GABA – This amino acid metabolite is created from the amino acid theanine. It can be taken as a supplement directly as it immediately affects the nervous system by slowing it down. It can be beneficial for insomnia, anxiety, and pain. There is discussion as to whether GABA crosses the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Some scientists believe it does, while others debate otherwise. Clinically, I see a beneficial effect of calming in many children who take GABA.

Glycine (DMG, TMG) – Glycine comes in three supplemented forms: glycine, dimethylglycine (DMG) and trimethylglycine (TMG). Glycine aids in detoxification, DNA formation, hemoglobin synthesis, and assists neurotransmitters. It acts as a neurorelaxant and can be used to calm anxiety and hyperactivity. Different forms seem to work better in different children, so feel free to experiment. Glycine also has a naturally sweet flavor and can be used as a sugar substitute. It doesn’t raise blood glucose levels and tastes nice and sweet.

NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) – NAC is one of my favorite amino acids. Not only does it act as a mucolytic to break down mucus in the body, sinuses, and lungs, but NAC is used as a strong detoxifier. In fact, hospitals give intravenous NAC to patients with acetaminophen toxicity, to reverse the toxic damage to the liver. It is also one of the main ingredients in the antioxidant glutathione. NAC will reverse liver damage, kidney damage, as well as brain damage caused from drugs, the diet soda sweetener aspartame, and other toxic substances. NAC does have a sulphury taste, but should be hidden in strong tasting foods like grape juice. NAC may worsen GI symptoms if a child has intestinal yeast.

Phenylalanine/Tyrosine – Phenylalanine is an amino acid that converts into another amino acid, tyrosine. Both are available as supplements. These both convert into the brain chemicals dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These brain chemicals help bring focus and concentration. Some children may become hyperactive on these amino acids, but they are worth trying in children that are more lethargic. Children with PKU should never take the amino acid phenylalanine.

Taurine – Taurine is an amino acid that has a calming effect on the brain. Most beneficial in children that have had a history of seizures, it can aid in insomnia, anxiety, and hyperactivity. Many people assume taurine is a stimulant as it is an ingredient in many energy drinks (maybe they want you to calm down so you need another).

Theanine – Theanine is an amino acid that creates the neurotransmitter GABA. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Most theanine supplements are an extract of green tea. When people get drink tea, they don’t feel jittery because of the theanine in the tea.

Tryptophan – Popularized as one of the amino acids in turkey that make you sleepy (who doesn’t remember the Seinfeld episode), tryptophan metabolizes into 5-HTP and then the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin. This can aid in insomnia, anxiety, and hyperactivity. Consult your naturopathic physician before taking tryptophan with SSRI medications.



We all need vitamins. They’re part of the fuel for our body to run. We usually get these from our foods, but our children that don’t eat the most optimal diets quickly run low on the essentials. Unfortunately, a multivitamin is not enough. It’s a good supplement to a healthy diet, but not a replacement for zero fruits and vegetables. High-dose supplements are effective and more importantly, safe.

Antioxidants – Toxins cause damage to the body. A great metaphor is a rusting car. If let out in the elements and acid rain, it will rust. Our bodies rust as well (known as oxidation) and the more toxins we are exposed to, the quicker our body disintegrates, one little piece at a time. Luckily for us (not the car), our bodies have an internal defense against rusting (antioxidation). The more antioxidant vitamins and minerals we take (Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, zinc, alpha lipoic acid, popular berry juices) the faster our body can heal. This is essential in the brain where a lot of damage and oxidation is occurring.

B vitamins – There’s no coincidence that ‘B’ is for ‘Brain’, because the B vitamins are essential to produce our brain chemicals and neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 has been known to be beneficial and researched since the 1950’s, while Vitamin B12 has been recently popularized by Jenny McCarthy. There is a little known problem with the B Vitamin – folate. Certain people genetically cannot use this vitamin, but we routinely test for this genetic problem and have the supplement to cure it.

Magnesium – Great for constipation and the brain, magnesium has been researched since the 1950’s for its benefit with autism. It provides relaxation, movement of the bowels, and is a foundation that many children don’t get in their diets.


Digestive Support

The digestion in children with autism is usually compromised. Different diets are beneficial in different children (See the Special Diets and Autism article by Vicki Kobliner this month). Many children also have intestinal infections of candida or parasites, which worsen their hyperactivity symptoms. The more we can aid their digestion, the better your child will be.

Digestive Enzymes – Our body creates enzymes in our pancreas and intestines to help digest our food into small pieces we can absorb into our blood stream. If your child doesn’t chew their food well or is bloated, these are signs that they can benefit from digestive enzyme supplements.

Olive Leaf – Olive leaf is one of the many herbs that kill offending yeast in the intestines. Many children are given nystatin or diflucan for months or even years, but the herbs are sometimes more effective. While many herbs are beneficial, olive leaf seems to have the best taste and best compliance in my patients.

Probiotics – Our intestines are filled with trillions and trillions of beneficial bacteria. Most of you are probably familiar with acidophilus in yogurt. There are hundreds of different organisms that are essential for our health that may be killed by either antibiotics or chlorine in your tap water (chlorine is put in there to kill bad bacteria, but it kills good bacteria too). Probiotics can help diarrhea, constipation, as well as negative behaviors.



Detoxification/Chelation – A recent study of over 200 healthy people showed that the average person has over 90 different toxins. Things from heavy metals to microwaved plastics to pesticides. They are in the body and causing problems to the nervous system. The difference between detoxification and chelation is both the therapy and the side effects. Detoxification consists of natural oral therapies that enhance the body’s own ability to remove unwanted substances. Chelation is usually IV therapies of substances such as DMPS or EDTA that work faster at removing offending toxins, but also have severe possible side effects.

Fish Oil – One of the most popular natural supplements today is fish oil. Full of essential fatty acids (EFA), oil from fish is a great source of two ingredients: EPA and DHA. The DHA is a very nourishing supplement for the brain. Most of the nerves in the brain are wrapped in a blanket of fat called myelin. If there is damage to this blanket, the nerves won’t fire and send signals properly. Giving fish oil can help heal the brain that is damaged by toxins or heavy metals.

Homeopathics – Homeopathy has been used successfully for hundreds of years and is a very misunderstood therapy. It is a therapy of dilution and similarity. In our society where ‘more is better’, it’s hard for most people to wrap their minds around the power of diluting a medicine, but we see diluted medicines that have huge effects on the immune system, such as vaccines and allergy shots. Homeopathy probably has the best success at changing the autoimmune attack of the immune system that some children have on the spectrum.

Melatonin – To sleep or not to sleep. That is the question. If your child has problems sleeping, melatonin is usually a great answer. We make our own melatonin out of the amino acid tryptophan, but if we lack the correct vitamins and proteins, we can’t make it, and we can’t sleep well. Even the youngest infant can take melatonin safely, and most parents call me with huge thanks for giving them the first good night’s sleep in many months.

Spectrum Awakening – With so many supplements, your kitchen can start to look like a pharmacy. Five years ago, my patients were telling me that the therapies were working, but couldn’t all of these things be in one bottle? From there, I created the supplement, Spectrum Awakening, as a combination powder of the most effective supplements for children with autism. We recently completed a research study and found that it has great success in improving speech, sociability, and hyperactivity. If you’re looking for a supplement that contains the active vitamins, correct minerals, and powerful amino acids, this combination is a true success.


Dr. Jared Skowron is a DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) certified doctor and author. His practice specializes in treating kids on the autism spectrum to help them speak, sleep, socialize, and mainstream into school. More information and insurance coverage on his website, www.NaturopathicAnswer.com