
“Stress” and Your Hormonal Balance

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As the holidays approach, we look forward to having the family together. We begin planning and shopping in earnest. We turn our attention to organizing meals, buying gifts for family and friends, planning parties, shopping for clothes, buying and arranging decorations, etc. We have an unending list of things to do, and, for many of us, who are already busy with work, child care, volunteerism, and any number of time-consuming pursuits, there aren’t enough hours and minutes in the day to get everything done in time. All of these pursuits are wonderful ones, but they end up fueling an already over-stressed life style. We barely have time to breathe, let alone take care of ourselves.

No matter what time of year it is or what is going on in our lives, we need to manage our stress levels if we wish to remain healthy. High stress levels can exacerbate existing conditions or contribute to the development of a variety of health problems.

Some people may address their stress by taking anti-anxiety medications. This is not an approach I favor. As Voltaire once said, “We put drugs, of which we know little, into our bodies, of which we know less, to cure disease of which we know nothing at all.”

Most people don’t realize that undue stress can have a hormonal impact, but that is indeed the case. Women experiencing chronic stress produce higher than normal levels of stress-related hormones, and these, in turn, may affect the production of female sex hormones. Pregnenolone, an essential building block for the production of both sex hormones and stress-related hormones, is diverted from its normal sex-hormone pathway when you are stressed.

Another little-known fact is that stress-related hormones require vitamins, minerals and amino acids for their metabolism. When you divert your supply of these, the sex hormones then become unavailable for their normal uses in a wide variety of your body’s important functions.

During my 25 years of practice I have seen many women with female health concerns which were triggered by or affected by stress. Among the conditions that may be affected by female hormonal imbalances are: allergies, autoimmune conditions, endometriosis, cervical dysplasia, endometrial dysplasia, depression, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, infertility, hypothyroidism, menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, and so on.

Hormonal imbalances may produce a large variety of symptoms. These may include mood swings, anxiety, depression, breast tenderness, enlargement of breasts, breast lumpiness, heavy bleeding, bloating, water retention, cramping, weight gain, abdominal fat gain, acne, fatigue, hot flashes, irregular periods, low sex drive and menopausal complaints.

These symptoms are frequently treated with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) or with bio-identical hormones. Although these treatments can temporarily help to eliminate some of these complaints, they do not address the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalance – chronic stress. It is important to measure the levels of both stress-related hormones and sex hormones before a woman starts hormonal balancing therapy. In my practice I routinely use alaboratory test that measures the levels of estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol(x4), epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. The valuable information provided by this test enables me to properly address a patient’s problems.

I can tell a lot by looking at whether your stress-related hormone levels are lower or higher than normal. A high level of stress-related hormones usually corresponds to the initial stage of stress, when your body still has the resources to produce a variety of hormones. A low level of stress-related hormones usually correlates with an advanced stage of stress. This stage is characterized by a depletion of your body’s resources and always needs nutritional support.

Clarice, a beautiful, enthusiastic 23-year old, came to see me because she was suffering from severe dysmenorrhea, a condition characterized by very painful periods. Her pain was so severe that her GYN thought she had endometriosis. Fortunately, an ultrasound of her uterus disproved that theory. It was clear to me that Clarice’s condition was being exacerbated by the high stress level associated with her very demanding new job. In light of this, my treatment plan for Clarice included specific dietary recommendations and targeted supplements.

You may think that a therapy using only bio-identical hormones is the ultimate treatment plan for correcting your hormonal imbalance. However, unless that plan addresses the underlying cause of your condition, it is not an optimal one. Consider the following example.

Margaret, a graceful 56-year-old lady, had been taking bio-identical hormones for several years to deal with her menopausal symptoms; she hadbeen treated with both oral bio-identical hormones and patches. In addition to experiencing a variety of menopausal symptoms, she experienced chronic emotional stress in regard to her relationship with her ex-husband. During a follow-up visit with her medical doctor eight months ago, Margaret was told that she had an endometrial abnormality of the uterus. A further biopsy showed signs of an endometrial dysplasia, which was indicative of an early neoplastic process. She immediately was scheduled for a surgical removal of her uterus.

Margaret came to me for a second opinion about the suggested radical treatment for her condition. She asked me how this could have happened, given that she had been taking bio-identical hormones that were supposed to prevent the development of endometrial cancer. I explained that hormonal therapy by itself does not address the underlying cause of her condition; it works on the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, like hot flashes and insomnia.

Test results revealed that Margaret had very low levels of stress-related hormones and low levels of important neurotransmitters. I recommended that she continue taking bio-identical hormones. Meanwhile, I added alternative approaches for treating the dysplasia. I gave her supplements thathelped tonormalize her levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and serotonin, and I added some oriental formulas to her regimen. I further recommended that she see me for weekly acupuncture and abdominal manual therapy (AMT) sessions.

Margaret followed this alternative treatment plan for four months. She then repeated her uterine biopsy, which now revealed no signs of endometrial dysplasia.

Clarice, the young woman who suffered from dysmenorrhea, continued her recommended treatment plan of targeted supplementation and dietary changes to help balance her estrogens and progesterone. I also encouraged her to include in her regimen stress-releasing techniques like yoga or Qi Gong. Two months after starting the treatment plan, she had her first absolutely painless period.

If you feel that stress may be affecting your health, ask your doctor to check your levels of female hormones, stress-related hormones, and neurotransmitters. I think it is a good idea for healthy young women to have these tests as well, because the results provide a baseline reading which, in later years, will allow your doctor to better balance your hormones.

Elena Sokolova, MD, ND is a graduate of the prestigious First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg and of the University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine. Currently licensed and practicing exclusively as a Naturopathic Physician, she may be reached at Whole-Body Medicine, located at the Fairfield/Trumbull town line. Call 203.371.8258 or visit WholeBodyMed.com.